Stiles POV

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*this chapter is for silly boo Carlos bc i couldn't get him any destiel nsfw. Hope this works just as well!*

Stiles got home that night and waited five minutes before working up the courage to go inside. He didn't want to go. He was afraid of what his dad would say, or do, and he was petrified at the thought of losing Derek. But Danny was right, he couldn't avoid this forever, so he took a deep breath and walked in his front door for the first time in five days. His dad was sitting on the couch anxiously, and when he saw Stiles he practically flew over to hug him.

"I was worried," he breathed, squeezing Stiles.

"Sorry," was all Stiles could think to say. He had expected yelling. His dad stepped back.

"You okay?"

"Uh huh,"

"Where were you?"

"Scott's one night, Danny's the other, Angie's, Lydia's... You know. Around,"

"Why didn't you come home?"

"I'm surprised you noticed,"


"What? Am i supposed to pretend that you're home all the time? That you're not usually working all night?"

"I notice you, Stiles,"

"Well i wouldn't have known. And i was fine,"

"Were you with Derek Hale?"

"No, dad, i was- Why do you have Derek Hale on the brain?"

"I don't, but it seems you do,"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"When you left your phone here on New Years, i..."

Stiles' breath caught.

"Dad. You didn't put a monitor on my phone?"

"I had to, Stiles, you don't talk to me anymore!"

"That's my PRIVATE BUSINESS! That's- That's invasion of-"

"And i saw that you text Derek Hale a lot- or, Sourwolf, as you have him in your phone, but i know it's him,"

"So? So i text Derek a lot, i text Scott and Isaac a lot too. And i don't know if you noticed, but they're-"

"You're dating Derek Hale,"

Stiles heart dropped so fast, he could feel himself getting light headed and his heart beat faster.

"And it's going to stop, Stiles,"

His vision started to go blurry and his mouth tasted of pennies.

"You aren't leaving this house except for school, and I'm barring your windows,"

That's when he stopped hearing his dad. All he could hear was his frantic breaths and his quickly pumping heart. He felt ill, like he would be sick right there. His dad was taking Derek away and there wasn't a thing he could do about it.

Stiles looked up from his hands when he heard the front door slam open and the sound of snarling. His ears still pounded and his eyes still wouldn't focus, but he knew who that was.

Peter Hale.

Peter growled at Stiles shocked-silent father as he passed him and stopped in front on Stiles.

"Stiles," Peter said in what was maybe the kindest voice he had ever spoken to Stiles with. Stiles couldn't form words, he was so confused. Why was Peter Hale in his house?

"It'll be fine, Stiles," he said. "Look up,"

Stiles obliged, looking up at Peter. He focused a little, which seemed to satisfy Peter because he turned to Stiles' father.

"You're breaking and entering sir, and I'm a police officer," Stiles' dad said, regaining his voice.

"You're harassing my nephew's companion, and I'm in no mood for games. Leave him alone,"

"Me leave him alone?! I'm his father! And your nephew is predatorizing my son!"

"Your son-"

"Is a minor,"

"Is capable of making his own choices. And you trying to take them away will only make him resent you more than he does. Sending him into shock and terrorizing him into doing what you want isn't going to change his decisions,"

"Step away from my son,"

"Step away from your pride,"

"He isn't going to continue seeing that boy,"

"Oh, he will, trust me. The question is, will it happen with you or without you?"

"He won't be anywhere near Derek Hale under my roof,"

"Then its decided, this is happening without you,"

And with that, Peter grabbed the still shaken Stiles and pulled him out of the house with the werewolf speed that he had grown used to after dating Derek. A few moments later when Stiles looked up, he was in Peter's car.

"You alright now?"

"What did you do?"

"Me? I saved your ass,"


"I didn't want my nephew in jail. And i didn't want him to kill your father either,"

"You came for Derek?"

"We could all smell your crazy, I'm surprised your goony friends didn't show up,"

"I- He said he was gonna bar my windows,"

"I heard,"

"He was gonna keep me from Derek,"

"That's why you need me, isn't it, to break in and save you from the jaws of eternal Hell?"

"Yeah, thanks for that. I was a bit frozen, don't know..."

"Well its pretty simple, you were getting sick because your father was threatening your bond with your mate. Not a fun experience when it actually goes through, let me assure you,"

"I'm sorry,"

"No need to apologise, I'm used to solving my nephew's problems. He's lucky i have a newly acquired sense of humanity or this whole matter would have been much bloodier. We used to take this mating thing very seriously, the battles and claiming and such,"

"Does the newly acquired sense of humanity happen to be Ry?"


"Glad to see you have a soft side, Petey,"

"Call me that again and-"

"Throat, teeth, ripping, got it. Where are we going?"

"Uh, the house. Obviously. You know, the place,where Derek and i live,"

"Oh yeah,"


"Ryann there?"

"Of course Janie's there, I'm honestly surprised Derek didn't bring you in sooner,"

"He probably thinks the same thing as my dad,"

"That scaring someone into an immobile state is a good way to get their compliance?"

"I'm a kid,"

"Well, but that doesn't mean you can't be in love. Idiot. And you're barely a child, you're what- seventeen?"

Stiles nodded.

"You're fine,"

Stiles smiled a little. It was good to know that grumpy, angry, mean as all Hell Peter Hale thought a seventeen year old was perfectly fit to love his nephew. It was comforting that Peter believed in love. Even if he was still a snippy deuche, he was a snippy deuche with a mate, and that was pretty fucking okay.

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