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Their last day on the cruise and B was about to go crazy with her cravings. It was around 3 something that morning she was in the kitchen looking for her a jar of pickles with sugar. She was really craving that, and if she don't get it. She was likely to snap. She was also hungry, she didn't went down for dinner, she never did when she knew Kayden would have been there. She had everybody down her back about giving him another chance. Fuck his chance, he fucked up, not her. So, fuck him. Once you fuck up the trust she have in you, that's it, you can just forget about her forgiving you when you want her too.

"Why every time I come in the kitchen, you in the kitchen?" Karen said behind her daughter.

"I'm hunting food, I don't know why you in here, but I'm hunting food." B said not turning around.

Karen laughed.

"Well guess we in here for the same reason then. What you looking for?" Karen asked her.

"Pickles and sugar." B answered back.

"Uhh eww, I never had weird cravings while pregnant with you all. I just love to eat one thing and one thing only." Karen sat at the table.

"What's that?" B stopped looking and sat down next to her mother.

"Oatmeal. I loved oatmeal." Karen smiled.

"I hate it. I can't stand it." B frowned her face up.

Karen studied her daughter.

"You know that young boy loves you." She started.

B rolled her eyes.

"How did I know you was going to bring him up?" B played with her fingers.

"I don't know, maybe we think alike in different cases. Also because I see me, when I look at you." Karen said.

"I killed someone before, he wanted to come in and attack us. He was working for the FBI I think, Zach shot him, while I snapped his neck. I didn't felt anything for it. Just shrugged it off. Is that bad?" B asked her mother, basically changing the subject. She really wasn't up for talking about Kayden.

"Not really, it just shows if you feel like your life is threaten you taking charge of the situation. That what you suppose to do." Karen said. "Now back to Kayden."

"Mommmm. No, I don't want to talk about him. Please, I don't want to get it in my feelings and start crying. I'm doing a pretty good job of not crying with these crazy ass hormones I'm having." B said.

"Sorry, but honey, just talk to him."

"I did, we going to co-parent when I have the baby." B smiled.

"How did he feel about it?"

"Does it matter?" B squinted her eyes.

"Yes it does, but I'll drop it. It has been drop. Just don't let your happiness pass you by." Karen stood up from the chair she was sitting in.

Karen walked in Kay bedroom she was sharing with her boyfriend, or who ever the dude was to her. Karen turned on the light.

"Kay wake up!" Karen yelled turning on the room light, Justin jumped while Kay just rolled over and looked at her mother. More like glared.

"Does dad know, you making room visits this time of night?" Kay sat up in the bed and made room for her mother. While Justin was confused as in why the hell this lady waking people up this late in the damn night.

"Nope, I just want to talk. You know after today you only going to see me like twice a week, so shut up and listen." Karen glared at Kay, while Justin was nodded back off to sleep.

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