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Michael was happy to be on the bus on Monday morning, simply because he was seeing Laura.

As soon as Laura got on the bus, he couldn't help but smile.

Laura sits next to Michael, and she smiles up at him, "Hey."

Michael chuckles, "Hi."

She bites her lip, trying to hide her smile. He thought it was adorable. Michael puts an arm around her, pulling her closer. Laura leans into him, grabbing his other hand intertwining their fingers.

Michael felt like his stomach was doing flips. He couldn't believe that he'd only met Laura just over two months ago.

Of course, Michael's friends all noticed the two, but they didn't seem to care as much anymore. The two were getting closer and they all knew that. They knew Laura was getting to Michael. They didn't know what it was about her, but they knew she was special.

The thing Calum, Ashton and Chloe did notice today was Luke and Jada. Jada wasn't in a good mood. She wasn't even sitting with Luke, she sat with Chloe.

It was strange, even Luke was confused.

Jada was just fed up with the way Luke was acting lately. On the girls trip over the weekend, she realized she needs to know what's going on with him.


After school, Luke still went to Jada's house as the had planned.

The two sat in her room, in silence until Jada decides to quietly speak up.

"Luke, why- what have I done?" Jada asks.

"What? What are you talking about?" Luke questions, looking over at his girlfriend.

"You don't have time for me anymore. I just wanted to know if I did something. I don't know." Jada mumbles, looking away from him.

"Babe, you know I've been taking on extra shifts at work. I'm obviously trying to go to a really good to university, Jada. I'm trying to save some money, you know my parents aren't going to be much help. I'm sorry, but I- I'm trying to focus on my future here."

"Am I not part of your future? You're hiding something. I know you are. Babe, I-"

"Why don't you trust me?" Luke interrupts, raising his voice.

"I'm just worried!" Jada replies.

He groans, "You don't need to worry about me! I'm fine!"

"But, baby-"

"No, Jada!"

"Luke, I love you, don't you understand I care about-"

Luke quickly turns to face her and she's staring up at him in shock.

"I am so, so sorry..." She whispers.

"I- It's okay." Luke says, not exactly knowing what to say in his shocked state.

"I- I think you should go." She replies, starting to worry that Luke hasn't said it back.

"No, babe, Jada-"

"Please just go." Jada mumbles, refusing to look at Luke.


"Luke!" She exclaims, making him quickly leave the room.

Luke was really confused, he didn't understand why she would push him away like this after saying that.

It wasn't like Luke didn't love her too. Luke is in love with her, but he's been way too scared to tell her.

Jada couldn't believe she blurted that out. She was embarrassed, she was sure he was hiding something. She didn't want to say that to him when she believed her relationship was in trouble.

She sniffles as she picks up her cell phone, quickly calling Chloe.

"Hey, Jada." Chloe answers.

"Chloe... I need you to come over, I- I'm so stupid." Jada chokes out.

"I'll be there in a few." Chloe quickly replies, ending the call.

Jada knew she shouldn't be crying because she's upset over saying she loved him. It's not meant to be sad.

When Chloe arrives, Jada weakly smiles.

"What happened? You didn't break up, right?" She asks, sitting on the edge of Jada's bed.

"No, we're fine. I told him I love him in the middle of a fight though, so there's that."

"Shit, uh, you know... Jada, it's okay." Chloe says, not really sure what she should say to that.

"See, you know I fucked up." Jada cries, pulling the blankets over her head.

"No, it's fine! Really!"

"He didn't even say it back!" Jada exclaims, starting to sob.

"Honey, it's okay. I promise he loves you too. It's truly okay. You both just have to cool down. You two will be fine and making out by tomorrow morning." Chloe chuckles.

Jada groans, "I hope so."


I'm sorry this didn't have much Laura and Michael it goes w the next chapter just relax don't attack me.

also I'm sorry for not updating earlier I need to stop focusing on this guy I'm talking to like somebody tell me I'm too attached thanks :)

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