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Laura was at the kitchen table, slouched over a cup of coffee with a pair of Michael's sunglasses on, even though all the lights were off.

"Laur, babe, are you okay?" Michael asks, sitting next to her.

"Shhh, you're too loud." Laura whispers, rubbing her temples because her headache was awful.

She didn't think that her hangover would be this bad, but it was horrible.

"So which one of you remembers what happened last night and wants to recap?" Chloe asks, joining Michael, Laura and Ashton at the table.

"I wasn't that bad. I remember most of it." Luke replies, sitting at the table as well, Jada sitting on his lap.

"Oh shut up, you were bad." Ashton tells him, "You just never forget what happens, it's a gift."

"Trust me, it's not always a gift." Luke groans, due to the fact he remembers how gross he felt and how disgusting he gets when he's drunk.

"Okay, anyways, some things that happened?" Calum says, now sitting with them.

Luke chuckles, "I mean Laura made out with Chloe and Michael made out with Ashton, so-"

"I did what?" Chloe asks, completely in shock. She had no memory of the night prior.

"Yeah. You said you wanted to fuck Laura and then she asked Michael for permission to stick her tongue in your mouth." Jada explains, trying to clear things up for them.

"Oh my god, Laura, I'm so sorry." Chloe says.

"Chloe, I'm the one who initiated it, don't feel bad." Laura chuckles, still trying to wrap her head around the fact her and Chloe were making out in front of everybody. She still sometimes wasn't even okay with kissing her own boyfriend in front of everybody.

"Laura, you seem stressed, don't worry. Your boyfriend made out with Ashton. You guys are even." Luke says, chuckling at his friends.

"Luke, when the fuck are we going to make out." Ashton asks, looking across the table.

"Don't sound so eager." Luke mutters, looking disgusted.

"Calum, you also shit talked your prom date." Jada adds.

"Okay, I'm done with this. I need to eat." Calum says, standing up.

"Aren't you too hungover to make food?" Michael asks, groaning at his headache.

"I'm going to order something for us." Calum replies, grabbing his phone to order food for the group.

"I'm gonna go camp out in the bathroom, I feel sick." Chloe mumbles, getting up and walking out of the room.

Michael reaches out and grabs Laura's hand, she gives him a weak smile since she felt like complete shit. She was so happy that she had Michael here. He wasn't feeling great either, but she knew he'd do anything for her to feel better.

"Food is ordered." Calum says, sitting back at the table.

They all sit in a comfortable silence, as that's what each of them wanted do to their hangovers.

Chloe joins them again, grabbing her water that was on the table, "I puked, I'm ready to eat whatever disgusting unhealthy food Calum ordered."

"Please don't talk about puking I'll puke." Laura groans, resting her head on the table.

Michael just rubs Laura's back, taking a deep breath as he frowns at her because he didn't want her to feel like this.

They all sit in silence once again, waiting for the doorbell to ring so they'd have their food.

The food arrives, and they make small talk as they enjoy their food.


Chloe and Ashton were both still at Michael's, but they were downstairs watching a movie, while Michael was putting Laura to bed. She was feeling awful so he was getting her to take a nap.

"Are you sure you're okay up here by yourself?" Michael asks for the third time.

She weakly smiles up at him, half asleep already, "Michael, I told you I'm fine."

He smiles back, running his hand through her hair, "Okay, I'll be downstairs if you need me."

"Oh, Michael?" Laura calls as he heads for the door.

"Yeah?" He questions, turning back to look at her

"I'm sorry I made out with Chloe." She quietly mumbles, her eyes closed as she almost falls asleep.

"Laur, hey, everybody was drunk, and I made out with Ashton. It's alright, we're great." He laughs, going over to her and pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"I love you." She tells him, curling up in his bed.

"I love you too, get some rest." He replies before closing the door behind him.

He makes his way to Chloe and Ashton who were both sitting on the couches, both of them feeling a bit better.

"You take really great care of her, Michael." Chloe says, not looking away from the tv.

"I mean, I try. I love her." Michael quietly says, still nervous to talk about his feelings like this.

"You deserve it, you deserve everything you have, man. She's so good to you. With everything you've gone through with girls in the past, you deserve somebody like Laura." Ashton says, actually looking over at him. He was a little nervous bringing up Michael's past, but he felt like he should acknowledge how far Michael really has come. 

He couldn't help but smile at Ashton. Michael had never had great luck with girls in the past, he never thought he'd ever have anybody like Laura in his life.

"Thanks, guys. I don't why she'd be with somebody like me, but, god, I'm so happy she is."

"Don't say that. Why wouldn't she want to be with you? Michael, you're both so amazing to each other."

Michael just shrugs, not looking up at both his friends looking at him, "I don't know. I'm just scared she'll leave, you know? I mean I know she literally has to leave here, but- whatever."

Michael was really happy, and he knew he was lucky to have Laura in his life. He just didn't want that time to end anytime soon.


hey I'm only here to tell u I can't believe I saw Brendon Urie LIVE ON BROADWAY last Saturday THEN GOT TO GO BACKSTAGE!!! I stood on the same stage as Brendon Urie and met one of Lola's Angels I still can't fuckin believe this I love Kinky Boots

update however many years later: we no longer recognize br*ndon ur*e in this house. never heard of him. 

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