Chapter 12

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"Come on Ellis! We gotta get there before August does!" I stood at the bottom of Ellis' staircase, waiting on him to finish getting ready. "Come on diva! lets go!" Kerri added. We stood there for another 5 minutes, waiting for him to finish dressing. "Simi it's 8:10, we're already late, we need to go now." I took a deep breath and let it out sharply. "Ellis! we need to go, NOW!" I shouted. I leaned back on the wall and closed my eyes. I gently rubbed my temples, trying to stop myself from getting pissed off. This was typical Ellis, never on time to anything.

"Ok, Ok, Im done damn." I opened my eyes when I heard footsteps trailing the down the stairs. I took a good look at Ellis and frowned. "What?" He asked stepping down next to me. "What the hell E, did you NOT get the memo?" Kerri said gesturing to his outfit. Ellis looked down at his outfit and back up at us. "Y'all said dress comfortable and I am." I sighed. "Why do you have on this bright ass orange shirt, were suppose to be incognito." Ellis placed his hand of his hip and leaned in to us. "Oh girlll, incognito? That sounds nice, where dats at? I never been there before." Kerri threw her hands up and sighed. "Can we please just leave? Before I kill this fool??" I nodded and made my way to the car.


We pulled into the resturant's parking lot and got out. "Y'all ready?" I asked nervously. Kerri and Ellis nodded. I walked up to the resturant's door and froze. "What's wrong?" Kerri asked me in a confused tone. I shook my head ans sighed. "I can't do this.." I said lowly. "Oh hell no." Ellis said loudly. He pushed Kerri out the way and grabbed my shoulder, turning me around. "Listen here chile, I done got dressed for you, put on a outfit for you, AND bought a new wig for tonight, yo ass is going through with this." Kerri sighed and pushed Ellis out the way. "What he's trying to say is, you came all this way, don't turn back now, besides it's gunna kill you inside if you don't know what happened."

Ellis sucked his teeth. "I meant exactly what I said." I rolled my eyes and nodded. "....Alright, let's go." I took a deep breath and pushed the door open, I couldn't believe that I was really going through with this. I scanned the room looking for August and Ariana, all while trying not to be scene at the same time. "Do you see them?" I asked in a whisper. Kerri shook her head no. I stepped out a little further and looked again. I huffed a little when I didn't see them. Just then, my mind started to flood with a million thoughts. What if they cancelled? Or what if they decided to go to a different resturant or do something else. I was taken out of all my thoughts from Ellis' voice.

"There they go!" He said loudly. Kerri shushed him and rolled her eyes. I turned my attention to the area he was pointing to and let out a sigh of relief. "Lets go, there's a empty table over there." I nodded and walked over tot he table slowly, making sure they couldn't spot us. Once we got settled at the table, we ordered drinks, just so we could blend in with everybody else. "Oooh girl, ain't this exciting!?" Ellis asked loudly. "Shhhh, damn E, are you tryna get us caught?" I asked in a whisper. Kerri shook her head and fanned him off. "It's to late for that, Im sure they heard his loud ass shirt when we first walked inside." I chuckled a little and set my attention back on August and Ariana.

From the looks of it, everything seemed like it was going smoothly. There wasn't any subtle firting like playing footsies under the table or feeding each other food. That sorta took a weight off my shoulders. "Seems like there keeping things professional." Kerri said. I nodded. "Seems like it.." I kept my eyes glued to there table, waiitng for something to happen.


Twenty minutes had gone by and nothing had happened. Lowkey, I kinda started to feel stupid for following him to this date, but most importantly I realized my feelings for him in the process. I sighed and sat back in my seat, waiting for something I knew probably wasn't going to happen."I got to admit something y'all." Ellis said outloud. Me and Kerri frowned. "What?" Ellis sighed and took a deep breath. "As much as I don't like the broad, I got to admit...Ariana is looking BAD tonight. (LAUREN TO THE RIGHT) I sighed. Only because I knew it was true. This was the first time I was seeing Ariana out of her usual business uniforms, and I had to admit, she looked damn good. It already didn't help that she was pretty as hell.

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