Chapter 14

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After August agreed to get a paternity test, I felt a little better. Atleast this would stop my mind from wondering if he's the father or not. But honestly, If he is, im not sure if I could ever get passed it. I don't wanna see the man I love take care of my best friend's child, whether he is the father or not, I just couldn't stick around for it.

I walked into my office and started to file some papers. Now that this whole August thing is slightly under control, I can start focusing on my work like I used to. I picked up a few pieces of papers and started to file them when my desk phone started to ring. I grunted and answered it.

ME: "Thank you for calling Serenity Boutique, this is Simone speaking, how may I help you?"

ARIANA: "Simone, it's Ariana."

I rolled my eyes to myself.

ME: "Oh Ariana, how are you doing?"

I asked in a fake cheery voice.

ARIANA: "Fine, look I was calling to go over the rules of our agreement."
I frowned.

ME: "What rules? I got you your date and your suppose to come back for another inspection."

ARIANA: "Mmm right, but there's been a change on plans for me."
I sighed.

ME: "What is it?"
ARIANA: "I want atleast 3 more dates with August."

I rubbed my forehead and closed my eyes.

ME: "And you want me to plan it?"

ARIANA: "Well since you did such a good job the first time, yes I do."

I was silent for a moment.

ARIANA: "Look, I was being nice by asking, but we both know damn well that you have no choice if you DON'T want me to turn that report in."
I sighed again.

ME: "....Fine, I'll do it, he'll be in contact with you soon."

ARIANA: "Great, thanks Simone, your such a doll."

I hung up the phone in anger. Ariana gets on my damn nerves, I got her her date with August and now she wants to change the rules. I rubbed my temples trying to calm down, when there was a knock at the door. "Come in." I opened my eyes and looked up to the door to see Kerri's face. "Hey girl, Trey's here, he bought us lunch." I smiled slightly and nodded. "I'll be out in a minute." I took a deep breath and released it. I reached into the drawer next to me and pulled out my phone. Once I got everything I needed, I made my way to the front of the store.

I walked over to the couches were everybody was and took a seat. "Nice to see you Simone, how's everything?" Trey asked as he handed me a container of food. I smiled. "In the process of getting better." Trey nodded. "That's great." We stared at each other and smiled. "You know what would be great?" Ellis started. "If you handed a bitch her food!" I chuckled a little and Trey handed him he's container of food. "So what brings you by?" I asked as I got comfortable on the couch. Trey smirked. "I actually came to see Kerri and bring her lunch, but I thought it would be rude not to bring everbody else some." I nodded. "You goddamn right." Ellis said loudly. "Thank you, we appreciate it." Kerri said, glaring at Ellis.

"You know Simone, you need to snatch his fine ass up real quick, he bringing us lunch and shit." Trey and I laughed. "You have no filter, do you?" Ellis shook his head and bit into his cornbread. "Anyways." Trey started. "I like your shop, it's not what I was expecting." I smirked. "And what were you expecting?" Ellis chuckled. "A hot ass mess, probably." He said under his breath. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Trey. "Something like Forever 21 or one of those mall stores." I shook my head. "No, never that." Just then I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I sat my food down and pulled out my phone to see that I had a text from August.

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