|2| • A Hologram from the Future •

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"Henrietta," he said, obviously amazed. And that in turn got everybody's attention and everybody was now staring at me. Great, exactly what I loved, being the centre of attention. "You're here," he stated the obvious, coming closer to me.

"No actually I'm a hologram from the future..." I rolled my eyes a little and crossed my arms. Sarcasm was my weapon of choice in case you hadn't realised. "Don't try to touch me or the lasers will burn your arms." Mhm, that should have officially made me look like a fool in everybody's eyes.

Everyone but Roger apparently, because he just laughed and hugged me - despite my warning. "Oh I missed you," he told me and smiled widely at me. "What are you doing here? It's so good to see you, I feel like it's been forever.."

"Well it has been forever. And I was just about to leave," I told him, trying to seem as detached as possible, which was hard because it was good to see him. Stupid emotions.

"Oh no, don't go already, stay. Brian will be so happy to see you, you have no idea.." He smiled at me, his handsome smile that he seemed to know no one could resist.

But no. Not this time. "Well that would make one of us." I purposely didn't look at him because I knew that he would have easily convinced me to stay.

"Come on, don't be like that.. he said he saw you but I didn't believe him. But now you're actually here and it would be so good for him to catch up with you, believe me."

"Why does no one seem to care about what I want? That I don't want to catch up with him because he had his chance and he messed up? It would not be good for me to catch up with him so I'm going to go now. Okay? Bye. Call me, Annie." With that I walked away from them. I knew I had to go. So far Roger was the only one of the four of them in the room, but the others couldn't be far and I had to be far when they got here.

However, that plan went wrong. Because just as I thought I had done it, I was walking down the hallway that would lead me into freedom, I heard the voice I had been trying to avoid.

"Henrie! Wait, please..."

I didn't need to turn around to knew who it was. "Just let me go home, Brian."

"No, not before you talk to me."

Why did he have to have such long legs? I walked as fast at I could because I didn't want to actually run away from him, that would have been embarrassing. But it seemed so easy for him to catch up with me. Maybe because he actually did run.

"I don't want to talk to you now, Brian, you missed your chance when I wanted to talk to you three years ago and you didn't care." Even though I tried to seem emotionless, I was sure that didn't entirely work out.

"I know," he said softly, gently placing his hand on my shoulder and pulling me to a stop. "Believe me, I know I messed up. But how am I going to apologise if you don't give me a chance for that?"

"Have you ever considered that I might not want to give you a chance for that?" I asked, turning around just in time to see a hurt expression flashing over his face. Apparently he hadn't considered that.

He was speechless for a moment, obviously trying to find something to reply to that. "But.. you're my best friend.."

"You were my best friend too and you weren't there when I needed you. Welcome to my world." I bit my lip before I looked at him again. "If you really want to apologise you'll find a way of contacting me. Goodnight, Brian." With that I turned around again and walked away.

This time I was able to leave without anyone holding me back. Finally. And yet I wasn't as happy and relieved as I thought I would be, and I didn't know who to blame. Annie, the man who had brought us backstage, or Brian.

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