|63| • Honey, Enjoy Our Honeymoon •

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Whether you believe it or not, I started posting this exactly a year ago... one the one hand I can't believe it's been that long, on the other hand it feels like forever.
I want to thank you all for the support, 10K reads and 1K likes, that is a lot and it means a lot that you're all enjoying this story! ❤
I'm not entirely sure what exactly I will be doing with this story, how I'm ever going to end it, but at the moment I'm thinking as long as you still enjoy this there is no need to worry about that, right?
I hope you enjoy the chapters I still have planned and whatever else my mind comes up with, and please don't be shy to vote and comment! There's no need for you to be quiet readers, I love hearing from you, it's a huge motivation and your feedback is the reason I've been posting this for such a long time. All the support means a lot!
I'll let you read now, enjoy the last few chapters set in Tenerife because they'll be returning to London not too far in the future. Exciting things will happen, so stay tuned!
Thank you so much for reading and voting and commenting!
Nina x

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"That.... That's a good point. I'm not going to cheat on you Henrie, I'm better than that."

"I really hope so, Brian. I really do." I wasn't sure if he was telling me or if he was reminding himself but I did hope that he was serious.

"You mean so much to me, you know? That's why I worry about you, about living up to your expectations of me," he admitted. It was good that he told me things like that now.

"I don't have terribly high expectations of you, Brian. Just ... respect and honesty, and trust.. and ..."

"- and that I don't cheat on you," Brian finished the sentence for me.

"Yes, exactly. But I don't expect you to take me to the fanciest restaurants, to stay in the fanciest hotels, to buy me the most expensive presents... Brian, this little compass means more to me than any 20,000 pound necklace could ever," I told him and reached for the necklace he hand given me. "You said it yourself, I'm a sucker for emotional things."

"It's just hard to believe that..."

I raised my eyebrows but before I could say anything he continued.

"Not because I think you're lying to me, I know you're being very honest with me right now and I appreciate that because I need that, but... it's just hard to believe that you really don't expect me to spend all my money on you." He paused and shook his head a little. "It's... I've just been... uhm, well... some people... you know..."

"I think I get what you mean, yeah," I told him.

"I ... you were my best friend for such a long time, I forget that you know what it's like if I don't have money. I'll try to get better at worrying, but you might have to remind me a few more times."

"I'll gladly do that as long as I know I'm not annoying you."

"You're not, really not," he was quick to assure me.

"Was this all why you were so grumpy in the hotel earlier?"

Brian smiled a little. "Yeah, I think so... I don't know, that seems a bit ridiculous to me now. It's not an awful place really, it's pretty clean and the lady is nice too."

"That's what I've been saying, isn't it?" I teased him, smiling at him.

"Yes, yes it is," he admitted. "Thanks. I'll try to get better, I promise."

"Good, I really just want you to relax. You shouldn't stress about which restaurant to take me to or anything like that. As long as you're by my side I'm fine with a lot. I definitely don't have higher standards than you."

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