|26| • Sweet Wine •

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"Do you need any help?" I asked curiously, walking a little closer to him. I placed my hand on his back and looked at him before I looked at what he was doing.

Brian looked at me and smiled before he leaned down to kiss my cheek softly. "No, I'm good. Does white wine sound okay to you?"

"Wine?" I asked surprised. "That's fancy. Sure. A little white wine is fine with me. And you're sure you don't need any help?"

"Yes, I'm sure." He told me firmly, smiling at me. "Really, relax, okay? You can go sit down already if you want, I'll be right there. I promise, I'm okay in here. Oh, did you find a tablecloth?"

"Well," I simply told him. "I found something that I used as tablecloth. I don't know if it was originally intended as such, but it works."

Brian chuckled and nodded. "Alright, that's fine with me. As long as we've got something." He got a couple of wine glasses from a cupboard and handed them to me. "You can take these, right?"

"Two glasses?!" I asked, pretending to be shocked. "So heavy," I sighed dramatically, pretending to sink down to the ground because of the heavy weight of the glasses.

"Henrie, stop being silly," Brian told me, trying not to laugh. "Just go ahead, I'll be right there."

"Can you bring two candles and a match, or two?" I asked him, remembering the empty candlesticks that were standing on the terrace table.

Brian just smiled and nodded. "Yes, I will, I've got it."

Nodding a little, I turned around with the two wine glasses in my hand and returned to the terrace. It was still quite nice outside, the sun hadn't set yet, but it wasn't burning down anymore. It was nearing the top leaves of some of the trees Brian had in his garden, but it would be quite a while before we'd be sitting in the shade. It was exactly how you would imagine a lovely summer evening and I couldn't be happier about the fact that I got to spend it with Brian.

Just as I leaned back in my chair, placing my feet on what would be Brian's chair, my attention was drawn to the insides of the house where there was undistinguishable noise coming from. "Brian?" I called out, turning my head to check if I could see what was going on. "Is everything alright?"

"Uhm," he replied. "I think ... yes, just stay there. Don't worry, I think I've got it," he added before there was a moment of silence. The silence was followed by sounds I couldn't quite distinguish what they were, but then Brian appeared in my field of view, that adorable smile of his gracing his face. "I dropped the candles, but I'll get them in a second," he told me, placing everything he was carrying down on the table. It was quite a pile of things, the plates, cutlery, napkins, and the bottle of wine and then the candles which were missing.

"I could have helped you, you know?" I told him, sitting up straight again. I helped him place everything on the table without dropping something else and then while he went to get the candles I distributed everything accordingly.

"I know," was all he said before he disappeared into the living room.

I couldn't do anything else but watch him, smiling to myself. He was incredibly cute and I couldn't help but remind myself of how lucky I was to have him in my life. He was quite a special someone, but it was exactly that I loved about him. It was only when he came back out onto the terrace, with the two candles in his hands, that I got a chance to say something. "You are a strange one. I really don't mind helping you, you know? I don't know if you got that impression of me."

"I didn't. I know you wouldn't mind helping me, but I want you to relax. You work so hard, you know, you deserve a break." He opened the bottle of wine and poured some in both glasses.

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