|31| • I Don't Bite Hard •

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"Brian..." I looked at him again, unable to keep myself from smiling.

"No, no, don't say anything. I know what you want to say. Don't be silly, Brian. I'm not being silly, I mean that. You are beautiful. Not just because you have a great body, but because you are a beautiful person. You're so sweet and genuine, you forgave me for being such a shitty friend even though you didn't have to. You care so much about me, and that's so wonderful. I appreciate it so much.. You're a really beautiful person, inside and outside, and I know that I'm incredibly lucky that you're in my life again."

How could I not end up smiling like an idiot after hearing that. "Brian..." I took my hand off his thigh and rolled onto my side so I could look at him. It was getting harder and harder, but I could still make out enough of his shape so that I could gently place my hand on his cheek without poking him in the eye. "You are such a sweetheart. And you know that I am so glad that I have you back in my life. As much as you screwed up, I still really missed you. And forgiving you is so much better than knowing that I could have had you back but decided not to. You are just as wonderful, you know? It's going to sound like I'm just repeating what you said, but it's true. You're a truly beautiful person too, and there's no one else I'd rather be so close with."

Brian softly kissed my forehead before he pulled me close. "I feel the same.." There was a moment of silence before he added, "To be honest, I think you should put your hand back on my leg..."

I was just stunned for a moment. What was I supposed to say in reply to that? I chuckled a little, gently caressing his cheek gently with my thumb. "What makes you think I'd want that?"

"You," he replied cheekily.

"Oh yeah? How so?" I asked, smirking at him. I loved seeing him so confident.

"Well..." He placed his hand on my back, gently letting his fingers sneak up under the fabric again. "I think you know exactly why. But in case you don't, it's your reaction to ... this for example," he said softly before he let his fingers wander down my body, moving his hand over my butt slowly.

That was further than he had gone with touching me, at least in such a provocative, demonstrative way. I didn't have a problem with it in the slightest, though. Quite the opposite actually. I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath.

"See?" He teased, giving my butt cheek a very gentle squeeze. "That's exactly the kind of reaction I mean. We both know what you would do if this was someone else's hand. And don't bother lying, I know you."

"Alright, I'm enjoying your hand on my butt." I was trying to play it cool and probably failing desperately.

Brian chuckled. "That's quite a nice thing to hear.."

It was a good thing it was dark because my cheeks were probably quite red by now. "If you're going to keep teasing me I might not enjoy it all that much anymore."

"Okay, I'll be quiet," he told me softly, kissing my forehead gently. He kept his hand where it was, but to be honest I was glad that he did. However, at the same time it was a bit of a relief when he moved it back up my body, letting his fingers wander up under my shirt again. It was a slightly less compromising position and almost as enjoyable as his hand on my butt..

"You don't have to be quiet, you know? You can still talk, I like listening to you."

"What do you want me to talk about?" He asked, starting to gently caress my skin again.

I shrugged a little and snuggled closer to him, resting my forehead against his chest. "I don't know.. you don't have to talk, don't worry. We can just ... be here. I like that too."

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