|4| • Comfort, and Comfort Food •

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He raised his eyebrows surprised. "Home? Why? I mean.. I don't really understand."

"Because no one opened the door for like half an hour and I thought hey he probably changed his mind again .." I knew that wasn't exactly fair but I was still slightly annoyed so I couldn't hold back that remark.

"No. I told you that I wouldn't mess up again. Look, if you don't want to give me a fair chance to apologise, then we might as well just leave it be. I was actually out buying some food for us because I didn't have anything nice in the house. I didn't think you'd be here so early.."

Well now I wished that I had held back that remark before. Because it put me in an awkward position. "Alright, sorry.. I was just a little annoyed because I drove all the way here and then no one was home. But.. you had a good reason, so.. can we just forgive each other for that and start over?"

Brian chuckled and smiled. "Sure. Hello Miss, my name is Brian May, it is a pleasure to meet you," he said, holding his hand out for me.

He was too much. "No, not like that," I chuckled and shook my head. It was funny how this was so easy between us. "Don't be silly, if we did that I would have to be freaking out right now because you are standing in front of me."

"Oh no, please don't freak out," Brian almost pleaded, making me laugh.

"I'm not, I'm not, relax," I told him and smiled. "I just meant can we pretend that you didn't leave me locked out and I didn't nearly crash into you?"

"Actually that sounds like a deal." He nodded with a small smile. "Should we get back to the house? Are you still up for that?"

"That sounds like a good idea. Sure." I nodded and waited for him to get back into his own car before I reversed back to his house, I was too lazy to turn my car on this narrow street.

I parked the car and waited for Brian to do the same after I got out. Since he said he had done some shopping I went to the boot of his car where he was placing stuff in bags. "Do you need help with anything?" I asked him, looking at what he was doing curiously.

"Actually that would be really great, yes, thank you." He held out a bag for me but before I could take it, he placed it back in the car, confusing me a little. "Wait, first things first... thank you for coming here, Henrietta. You have no idea how good it is to see you again, to know that you're willing to give me another chance. Really, thank you, I appreciate it so much.."

He lifted his arms as if he wanted to hug me, but didn't do it for quite obvious reasons. Which was good actually because it was okay to talk to him but I wasn't sure if I wanted to hug him already.

"I think everybody should get a second chance.."

Brian smiled and held the bag out for me again. "I appreciate it a lot. Really. I just wanted to make sure that you know that."

"I do," I assured him and took the bag. "Don't worry, okay?"

"You know me," was all he said in reply to that and picked up the remaining two bags.

I did know him and I knew he always worried a lot. Which was exactly why I was trying to reassure him at least a little, he deserved that.

But I didn't say anything in reply to that, I simply followed him to the house and held one of his bags while he unlocked the door. "This is a pretty fancy house.."

"It's nice, isn't it?" He asked and looked at me with a small smile.

"Yeah, it's also very much in the countryside, I bet it's very quiet."

"Yeah.. Awfully quiet at times to be honest. It wasn't supposed to be so quiet and lonely actually. But.." He shook his head a little. "That doesn't matter. We're not here to talk about me. Come in, make yourself comfortable. I try to make it cosy, but it's hard at times..."

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