|55| • Paranoia •

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Brian pressed his lips together and moved his hand away from my waist. "Are you saying you want to sleep with them too?"

He was being jealous again, but somehow it still made me smile. He was being a little ridiculous again, it was funny how he didn't notice that. He was normally so focussed on giving off a collected impression but that seemed to completely slip his mind now. I decided not to comment what he had said and see how long it would take for him to catch on.

However, that plan seemed to backfire because he crossed his arms and leaned back a little. "No answer is also an answer.."

Raising my eyebrows I looked at him. "Now you're being ridiculous, Brian. I thought you'd notice that on your own. You promised you'd stop that."

"Stop what? Wondering if you'd sleep with other guys?"

I sighed and nodded. "Yes, exactly that. Look, I get that you're a little suspicious about Roger because there is a history there but the rest is just you being paranoid. I thought you trusted me." I got up from the sand and walked the few steps to where the waves were crashing onto the sand. My eyes were resting on the ground, examining the various shells and pebbles that decorated the black sand. He was being ridiculous and jealous but sadly it seemed like something I would have to get used to.

Brian seemed to stay where he was because I didn't hear anything. I didn't turn around though because I didn't want to give him the satisfaction. It was his turn to fix things now and I could be very patient if I wanted to, some might call me stubborn. But I would wait until he finally got over himself, even if that took hours. Letting out a sigh I sat down on the sand again. I stretched out my legs, letting the waves of the ocean wash around my feet. The water was surprisingly warm, it was really enjoyable. I hadn't expected that if I was honest but it was a nice surprise. Trying to block out the argument with Brian I started to pick up various shells and stones, one of them I wanted to keep as a souvenir...


Ah, would you look at that, my boyfriend was back among the thinking as it seemed. But I decided that he would have to do a little more than simply to say my name to get back into my good graces. I took a deep breath and pointedly looked to the other side as he sat down by my side again.

"Henrie... I'm sorry."

"You should be," I told him. But no more, he'd have to work for more.

Brian hesitated for a moment before he placed his hand on my arm. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I keep doing that, I know it's not true what I said before but ..." He sighed and lifted his hand again, letting it drop to his side. "I'm sorry. I know you wouldn't cheat on me, Henrie, I really do. I don't know why I keep thinking those things. I know that even if there is a history with Roger, you said that nothing would happen and I believe you. I'm sorry I'm so stupid sometimes."

When I heard him say that I looked at him. "You're not stupid. You worry too much. I just wish you'd believe me."

"I do," he assured me. "I do, Henrie.. I'm sorry. I know you don't want to sleep with Paul McCartney and Roger Daltrey or Rog and Freddie.. "

"That's right. I find them attractive, but I'm with you and you're even more attractive - a little too jealous but we can work on that." I smiled a little at him and reached for his hand.

He gently squeezed my hand and smiled back at me. "I will work on that, I promise. You are incredibe, you know? Really... thank you for putting up with me."

I kissed his cheek before I leaned my head on his shoulder. "You really have to work on that though, Brian. It's not healthy. I don't want our relationship to fail because of something stupid like this."

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