|24| • Doing Stuff and Freaking Out •

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Brian didn't say anything else to that, he just followed me out of the hut and closed the door. "Right, so do you want to take a shower - in separate showers since you insisted on that - and then get our food?"

"That sounds good to me, definitely. Can I borrow one of your shirts? Mine from earlier is quite dirty.." Brian placed his hand on my back, something that shouldn't feel so good, but it did, it felt wonderful.

"Of course, we'll see what we can find for you, don't worry. If everything fails, just go like this," he suggested, gently rubbing my bare back with his thumb. "I don't thing anyone would have a problem with that."

"Well I would...," I told him. "I don't want everyone to see me like this. I mean... it's a bikini, so sure, it's... you know, but still. I'm still going to have to wear it because I don't have a bra, but I would like something to cover up with. I don't want every man to stare at me like you do."

"I don't stare at you," he immediately defended himself.

"Right," I laughed. "You don't stare okay, well what do you do then?"

Brian hesitated for a moment. "I... I'm enjoying the view."

"Fair enough," I chuckled. "But you doing that is one thing. A bunch of strangers doing that is another thing, and something that I'm not comfortable with."

"If you put it that way, I actually agree. I'm going to give you a shirt so that I'll remain the only man enjoying the view."

Smiling widely, I glanced at him. That was a pretty adorable thing to say, really. It definitely went far beyond the boundaries of friendship, but I didn't care because those boundaries didn't apply for us anymore anyway. And I liked hearing him say things like that, so I definitely wasn't going to stop him. And it seemed like he didn't want to stop either, so that was all we needed to know.

"Good, good, thank you," I told him, placing my hand on his back as well. Immediately I could feel him tense up a little, something that made me smile. So far it had only been him who had touched me like that, not the other way around. But it was amazing to see that I seemed to have a similar effect on him.

"O-Of course," he simply said, continuing to walk back to his house with me. When we got there we parted ways, going into separate bathrooms. I only took a quick shower, just wanting to freshen up a little. After I had put on my clothes again, I went out into the hall to see how Brian was, but because he was nowhere to see yet I went to reapply my makeup.

If we were going out in public I wanted to look at least a little presentable. After all - even though it hadn't happened so far - Brian kept telling me how it could be that someone from the press saw us. As much as I didn't like the idea of some random stranger taking photos of me, I wanted to make sure that in case that happened, the headline wouldn't read 'Brian May spotted with zombie'.

Just as I was about to finish, there was a knock on the door of the bathroom. "Henrie? Are you done?"

"Almost, you can come in though if you want."

There was a moment of silence before the door opened and Brian appeared in the mirror. "You look perfectly fine, you know that, right?" He asked, placing his hand on my sides as he stood behind me.

Which - because I was currently applying mascara - almost resulted in a one-eyed me. Because I was ticklish, and because Brian touching me never left me unaffected. "Brian," I exclaimed, glaring at his reflection. "You have to warn me if you do that or I'm going to poke myself in the eye.."

"What? Why?" He asked confused. "You're not hurt, are you?"

"No, I'm not, don't worry. Just.."

"Do you not like if I touch you? That's okay, you can say that. I don't want to make you uncomfortable.." He sounded really worried.

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