|7| • Bird Watching Break •

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Brian seemed to agree, because he too just ate in silence, alternating between looking at me, and our surroundings.

As much as I was enjoying this comfortable silence - it really was very comfortable - I still had some more questions that I wanted to ask. Or at least I wanted to talk to him. "So.. your next tour isn't until September?"

Brian shook his head. "No, luckily not. We have June off, to write and relax and all that, and then we're going to record and work on the new album.."

"That sounds fancy.. I forget that you really are a rockstar."

"Well..." He shrugged a little and looked at his bowl. "I'm a guitarist in a rock band.. I don't know if I am a rockstar."

"Oh come on, stop it. You know you're great. People love you, you make great music. Why else would they come to your concerts?"

There it was, a smile on Brian's face. "You're right.. You're right. The response we get is incredible, it's .. overwhelming. But in the best possible way. It's amazing, really."

I smiled at him and nodded. "I can imagine.." It was easy to see that he was genuinely touched by how much people loved what the band had created. "I told you you could make it, if you just keep trying and fighting... you know, you'll be doing all right, just keep yourself alive." I smirked and nudged his leg with my knee.

Brian laughed and looked at me. "That was very cheesy, wow. That would be like.. seeing George Harrison and saying 'Ah, here comes the sun'."

"Now that was cheesy," I told him, laughing. "Very creative though."

"I know," he said, a smirk on his face. "You are allowed to make some song puns though, because you are in a bit of a special position."

"Well thank you." I bowed a little with a smile on my face. "I will make use of that."

"Just please, please don't overdo it," he told me, slightly amused. "That would be very much appreciated."

"I'll do my best, but I can't promise anything," I told him, shrugging a little. With a smile on my face, I reached for the ice cream. Just because I felt like it.

"So do you know where you'll be going for your next tour?"

"Mh, well, in September it's just four dates here, I mean in Edinburgh, Cardiff and here.. And in January we're touring all over the States and Canada."

"You say that so casually.. all over the States and Canada?" I looked at him, genuinely curiously, and just slightly jealous.

"Well," Brian chuckled. "All over the States and .. a few places in Canada too, I'm not sure where exactly."

"That's pretty amazing.." I nodded and smiled at him. "Have we somewhat finished the food?"

"Are you crazy?" He asked, laughing softly. "We still have the cheese and baguette and those things. But I'm so full.."

"Maybe we should take a bird-watching break?" I suggested and started to gather the used dishes.

Brian nodded and immediately began to help me. "Yes, we should. Get some rest and then continue eating."

I agreed with him, and when everything was put away in the basket, we lay down on the picnic blanket, side by side. Not cuddling, but side by side. Which was very appropriate.

After a few minutes of silence, Brian spoke up again. "So.. I bet you're dying to hear what happened between her and me.." His voice was surprisingly calm.

"Well.." I shrugged, keeping my eyes on the sky. What we were doing was actually more like cloud watching rather than bird watching, but that was fine. "I'm not that desperate to know, but if you want to tell me, I'll gladly listen. Don't feel forced, just tell me whatever you're comfortable with. Okay?"

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