|28| • Taking Some Time Off •

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"Henrie, we need to try to find some twigs, dry things to start the fire..."

"And we need to get the wine too," I reminded him, making him laugh.

"Yes, you remember the important things like alcohol," he chuckled, nudging my side gently.

I smirked at him and shrugged. "Well someone has to remember those things," I teased him and stood up straight again. The sun was just setting, so it wasn't dark yet, it was the time of day where you could slowly start to snuggle up somewhere and get cosy. Which was good because Brian and I were getting ready to do exactly that.

"It's not like I forgot about the wine. But I'm glad you like it so much. We should also get a blanket or something, in case it gets chilly."

"You know what we could also do?" I asked and looked at him.

Brian got up as well and stood in front of me, giving me his handsome smile. "And what is that? Take off our shirts again?" He teased, pulling me closer to him again.

"No... I mean, if you want to do that, I'm not going to stop you, but I was thinking more like that we could test the couch in the hut and sleep here? You didn't get a sofa bed for nothing, did you?" I asked him, wrapping my arms around him too.

He hummed a little and nodded. "I like that idea... a lot actually. We should do that. Alright, let's go get the stuff from the house, and then we can collect twigs and get the wine. Does that sound like a plan?"

"Yes, sir." I smirked at him and stood on my tiptoes to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Let's do that. I hope you have a couple of working torches because I don't really feel like twisting my ankle in the dark."

"Oh of course, definitely. I won't put you in danger of hurting yourself. You know that, right?" He let his hand sneak up under my shirt again, caressing my back very softly.

Of course I knew that, he wouldn't be Brian if he wouldn't make sure I was as safe as possible. "Yes, I know. And I appreciate that so much. I want to try to do the same for you."

"I'm fine, Henrie, as long as you are okay."

I didn't say anything, I just pulled him a little closer and rested my head against his chest.

"Are you ready to get started on the plan?" He asked softly and pulled away a little so we could look at each other.

"I'm ready, definitely. Let's go." I let go of him - or at least I ended the hug and instead reached for his hand.

Brian took my hand in his, giving it a very gently squeeze. "Wonderful... be careful you don't hurt yourself on the way, okay?"

"I will," I told him, unable to keep myself from smiling. He was simply such a sweetheart, it was impossible how one man could be so sweet. There had to be a law of nature against that, but Brian could defy that, easily.

The two of us walked back to his house together, hand in hand the entire way. Neither of us said anything. I stayed quiet because my attention was divided between trying not to trip and enjoying the colours that were painted across the sky by the setting sun. It was gorgeous, and I found it hard to take my eyes off the sky. "Do you think we can stay out and watch the stars appear? You can see some stars here, right?"

"Yeah, some. Not as many as we could see when Roger took us camping out in Cornwall, but some.."

"Oh I remember that, that was so gorgeous. I miss seeing a nightsky like that." I smiled widely at the memory and glanced at him. "Do you ever get to see something like that when you're on tour?"

Brian shook his head. "No, not usually... I mean, we're in cities, quite big cities, and to be honest at night, on tour, it gets busy. If I can I take a moment to see, usually you'll find me staring at the sky at night for a moment, but in a lot of cases I don't see as much as I would love to. I miss that quite a lot, actually. I was actually considering taking a spontaneous trip to Tenerife, but the summer is surprisingly nice here, and you're here, so that's a lot nicer."

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