|47| • So Is That All? •

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"Well... Freddie was... sort of with Mary, and Roger... well, he's Roger. He's not really the kind of man who says no if a woman comes onto him. And that was what I was looking for. I wanted to distract myself from you, and a guy who doesn't ask questions is perfect for that. Plus you have to admit that he is really hot. I mean really hot," I pointed out, making him grimace a little.

"Henrie, I appreciate you being honest with me but I really don't want to hear how hot you think Roger is..."

"Sorry," I apologised with a small smile. "I mean he is hot, there's no denying that." I could see he was about to say something so I was quick to continue. "But," I added. "He is not you. And even then I thought that you are a lot hotter than he is. Like you're both hot. But like... he's 200 degrees Fahrenheit and you're 200 degrees Celsius."

He looked at me confused for a moment. "Alright," he chuckled. "I think I get your point. I appreciate that little bit of science thrown in."

"You're always welcome, my dear," I said amused

"I honestly had no idea that you liked me back then," he mused.

"Yes, well... I knew that." I smiled a little at him. "And... well, like I already said you look incredible after you play so I had to ... distract myself from you. So when Roger got a little touchy I didn't say anything against that. You were completely oblivious to that actually."

"I must have been... I know for sure that I wouldn't have liked that."

I watched him shake his head a little, scrunching up his eyebrows. "That's good to hear actually. Well, anyway. Roger got a little touchy and so did I and ... we went out on our own actually after that. You really don't remember that?"

"No..." He looked at me, letting his hands wander over my back. "I really don't."

"Interesting." I looked at him and smiled a little. "Well anyway. We went out on our own, to a pretty shady pub and he bought me a few drinks and we were all over each other actually. Just with our hands at first, but then he kissed me and I kissed him back and... we kissed a lot. Really a lot. I definitely remember that. And he definitely touched me all over and I remember that I liked it a lot so I did the same and I remember that he liked it a lot."

"He really got a hard on?" Brian asked, looking anything but happy.

"Bri, we didn't just kiss. We were making out, a lot more than it would have been appropriate for a public place, but no one cared, so... he touched my breasts, actually I had a love bite here somewhere," I told him, placing my fingers on the top of my breast. "Amongst other places."

"Oh great," Brian sighed. "Please tell me that's all."

"Uhm... well.. No. Sorry. I was wearing a skirt so... his fingers did a little exploring..." I knew I was blushing a little. "And he got me to let my fingers do a little exploring on his body."

"My god, didn't you say you were in public?" He exclaimed, shaking his head.

I rubbed the back of my neck, avoiding to meet his eyes. "Uh, yeah... but we were not exactly sober and I was frustrated that a certain man wasn't paying any attention to me, so the attention of another very eager man didn't hurt. And I know Roger didn't mind my attention either."

Brian pressed his lips together. "I suppose it is kind of my fault for not paying attention to you."

"Well, kind of, yes..." There was more to the story but I didn't really want to tell Brian more than necessary to avoid upsetting him. "What time is it?"

"Uhm.." He glanced at his watch. "Half past six by now. Why?"

"Just because Carlos wants to pick us up, and we should be ready by then."

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