|10| • Exploring •

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"You're not bringing me down, don't worry.." I moved a little closer to him and wrapped my arm around him, gently letting my fingers wander over his back. "Maybe you can tell me about something funny, something happy?"

Brian didn't say anything for a moment before he turned to look at me, his eyes wandering over my face. He shrugged and looked back at his hands. "Maybe you can tell me a funny or happy thing first.."

"Oh sure, I can definitely give that a go.. just let me think for a moment, okay?" I looked at him, trying to come up with a funny thing to tell him. "Alright, I don't know if this is funny to you, but it is to me, at least now it is.."

"Now I'm curious," he told me with a small smile and turned his head towards me again, already looking a tiny bit happier.

I still had my arm around him, but it didn't seem like he minded, so I stayed like that. "Alright, so.. there was this guy who used to come into the pharmacy.."

"Oh dear, a guy.. I'm curious where this will be going."

"Yeah.." I chuckled and shook my head a little. "Okay, this guy used to come in, and he was always very flirty. I didn't mind because ... well, he wasn't ugly, not at all. Also I thought that's just something he does, y'know? Flirting with every girl he sees. But then one day he gave me his number and told me to give him a call if I feel like it."

"And you felt like it?" Brian asked curiously, looking at me again.

I shrugged. "Well... not really, you know I don't usually do that.."

Brian nodded, humming a little to himself. "I'm curious where the funny bit will come in...," he said softly.

"Just wait, don't worry, I'm getting there. Alright... so I had his number and some of my colleagues convinced me to call him because they knew that at the time I'd been single for quite a while. That's why I ended up calling him and he asked me out for that weekend and even though I wasn't really excited, I was still kind of looking forward to the date and so I dressed up and went to meet him, and.. well at first it was really nice, but after we ordered he - for whatever reason, I still don't know - he started to go on about how all doctors and pharmacists are awful and corrupted and how he hates the system and like honestly crazy stuff.."

Brian furrowed his eyebrows, his eyes still resting on me. "But... you are a pharmacist..."

"I know, and I know what I just said. This is where it gets good." I looked at him with a smile. "Eventually I could interrupt him and basically I just said like.... 'You know what my job is, right?' because the entire thing seemed very strange to me. And he looked at me and shrugged and said 'Who cares, I'm talking and you should be listening' which is already kind of something that doesn't exactly help to make me fall for you. But when I told him that I am a pharmacist, he stopped talking and looked at me and actually said 'Wait, you're not that stripper?'"

Before I could say something else, Brian laughed. "What? A stripper?"

"Well," I chuckled. "Apparently I wasn't the only one he had asked out, so he had confused me with a stripper he had asked out apparently."

"Oh my god..." Brian shook his head, genuinely amused. "What did you do?"

"Polite as always I told him to go fuck himself before I left. And he hasn't come back to the pharmacy since."

Brian was still laughing softly. "Very good, I like that. I can't believe he thought you're a stripper..."

"I still don't know if I should take that as a compliment or be offended..."

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