|20| • Sweet Revenge •

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When we got back to the hut, Brian picked up his saw again. I had been about to take off my shirt, but I didn't want him to hurt himself because he got distracted, so I decided to go back to sanding and wait until he took a short break. He did eventually, and I wasted no time at all. I placed down the sandpaper again and got up.

"I'm getting a little warm," I told him simply, before I took off my shirt, trying to seem as nonchalant as possible. It was hard, because I knew his eyes were examining what he was seeing. I was so curious to see what his reaction was, but at the same time I was simply a little too shy. For whatever reason. But it made my stomach flutter in such a funny way when I thought about what he was doing. Folding up my shirt as neatly as possible, I tried to seem occupied before I couldn't keep my curiosity in check anymore.

Turning my head just a little, I looked at him. It wasn't really surprising that he had his eyes fixated on me, more specifically my chest. My bikini. It wasn't an inappropriate choice, it was one of those v-neck bikinis that you tied behind your neck, so it covered everything, but especially if I was leaning forward - which I was doing while I sanded the logs - it showed off what I had. In an appropriate way. So I didn't blame him for staring.

"Y-You certainly look hot - uh.." He coughed a little and rubbed his forehead. "L-Like you are hot..."

Good. I smirked a little and continued to sand the log, putting in a little more effort just to put on a show for Brian. I was enjoying his eyes on me more than I would ever have thought.

"Actually.." I could see him swallow heavily. "Actually I'm a little hot myself..."

Licking my lip, I continued to look at him. Very slowly, probably on purpose, he unbuttoned his shirt completely. He took it off and folded it up neatly before he placed it on the back of the chair we had the radio on. Let me tell you, the view I currently had couldn't have been better. "You are hot, I can see that," I told him, smirking at him when he met my eyes with his.

Brian didn't say anything, he simply looked at me with an unreadable expression on his face before he continued to work on the log.

Neither of us said anything for quite a while. The only form of communication were sneaky - or not so sneaky glances. I shamelessly let my eyes explore his body, and I caught him doing the same not rarely actually. It happened often that I heard the sound of the saw stopping, and when I lifted my head to see what he was doing I found his eyes resting on me. When he realised that he had my attention, he just smirked and went back to working on his bench.

I was very much aware of what he was trying to achieve with that, he wanted me to look at him, to watch him work. I have to say there were worse things in the world to do. Really. I mean, who wouldn't like watching a handsome shirtless man work? It would be a lie to say that I was unaffected by that, really. He was having quite a big effect on me, and something told me that he wasn't as clueless about what he was doing to me as he pretended. He just liked to play innocent.

But two could play that game. I wasn't going to openly make a move at him. What I could do - what I would do - was to discreetly tease him. Maybe not even all that discreetly I made sure to always be in his field of view. I tried not to look at him too much, to increase the effect my actions were hopefully having on him. Because I was quite certain that if I pretended I wasn't aware of what was happening it would make it more likely that he'd try to get my attention and that was something I really liked.

However, that took surprisingly long. It wasn't until he had finished cutting the last log in shape that he appeared in my field of view again, but that made it even more effective. When I saw him, shirtless, glistening slightly in the sunlight, and he appeared in front of me, he took my breath away for a moment. Biting my lip I looked up at him, really having to force myself not to let my eyes wander too much. I had been hot from the sun but suddenly I felt hot in a completely different way. It wasn't fair that it was so easy for him to mess with my mind, with my feelings, with my body.

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