|48| • Settling in •

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Hey everyone!

Long time no see, sorry about that. I hope you got my message earlier :) Because it's been a while and it will become relevant again over the next chapters, I wanted to remind you of what my thoughts behind the use of Spanish in this story. 

There will be Spanish sentences which I will not translate because Henrietta doesn't speak Spanish and this story is from her point of view. However - and this is the important bit because I don't think I made that clear last time - if something written in Spanish is important for the story line the same information will be in English somewhere in the text. There is no need for you guys to translate anything if you don't speak Spanish because you're not missing out on anything. I hope this makes sense, but if it doesn't please ask. 

Apart from that the Spanish speaking people make mistakes in their speech which I intended for them to do because obviously they're not native speakers. I tried to bring the different levels of language knowledge across by varying amounts of mistakes. This is probably just me being nerdy but that happens when you study linguistics :D 

That was it, I hope all misunderstandings have been cleared up. Now I will let you go on and enjoy this chapter, the next chapter will be up much sooner, I promise. :)

• • • • 

[if you don't normally read A/Ns, please make an exception this time to make sure you understand what's happening :) ]

The two of us stayed out on the terrace until I reminded Brian that I still wanted to do a few things before we left. He followed me into the bathroom, insisting that he wanted to keep me company. I thought that was a little weird, but kind of sweet so I didn't say anything against that. Together we got ready and I have to say we looked very good together when we were done. Brian was wearing a blue shirt that he only buttoned up about halfway so he looked incredible, and something told me he knew that I loved how he looked. It would be very hard to keep my hands off him during the evening.

"Are you done?" He asked, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I looked up at him and bit my lip, nodding. "Yeah, I'm done.. I love that shirt on you," I told him honestly, not really bothering to hide the truth from him. It was pointless anyway.

He smiled widely. "Really? You like it that much? It's new, so I'm glad you approve of it."

"Of course I do," I replied, smiling at him. "That colour looks wonderful on you, and the fact that you seem to be ignoring the top buttons is just the cherry on the top."

"You know, I'm really glad that you're so open about that you like how I look, and how I dress."

I looked at him and nodded. "Of course I'm open about that. It's true, and I know that it doesn't hurt to hear that. And you can keep in mind that whenever I say how good you look in your clothes that my mind is already a step ahead of that."

He chuckled and nodded. "Believe me, I know what you mean. I do the same. I tell you that you look good in your clothes but I'm thinking about how much better you'll look out of them."

"I'm glad you get me." I smiled widely and pecked his lips. "Should we go downstairs? I have a feeling we'll be less likely to get carried away downstairs."

"You're probably right about that," Brian agreed amused.

"Maybe you can tell me a little about the other people that are going to be there so that I'm not completely unprepared," I suggested and turned off the light in the bathroom before I went downstairs with Brian close behind me.

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