|12| • Too Desperate •

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He parked the car and quickly got out, hurrying to my side so he could open the door for me. He was such a sweetheart.

"Thank you very much," I told him and smiled at him. When I looked around I could see that we were a bit closer to civilisation again, which was kind of nice. I liked nature a lot, but I was a city person, so it was good to have a mix of both. Brian placed his hand on my back and gently led me across the parking lot. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"Do you ever just randomly get stopped on the street? Because people recognise you?" I glanced at him and smiled.

"Yeah.. I'm not exactly hard to spot, with my height and my curls. Around here people are slowly starting to get used to seeing me occasionally. Sometimes they still stop me, but not as much. A lot of them just look at me, or smile at me, some greet me... it's okay. But if I go away from here, then it gets worse. Not unbearable, but more people stop me and ask for an autograph."

I nodded and looked around, observing the people we encountered. He was right, most of them looked at us, some longer, some only for a short moment. It was a bit strange because they were looking at me too. It only made sense because they had never seen me with him.

"Great job last night, Mr May, I really enjoyed it," a random guy suddenly told Brian, walking past us.

Surprised, I raised my eyebrows and looked at that guy. He gave Brian a thumbs up and soon disappeared between the cars on the parking lot.

"Thank you very much," Brian called after him after a moment of surprise and smiled at me. "Occasionally this happens too, which is pretty nice actually."

"I can imagine," I chuckled and nodded. "Interesting. Very interesting. It's not bad though. If you like being the centre of attention."

"Well... you can get used to it. I don't usually like being the centre of attention either, but this is fine.." He smiled, keeping his hand on my back and led me into the building centre. Inside, we still got a few strange or curious looks, but actually it wasn't all that bad because I was focussed on finding all the things we had on our list of ideas, to see which options we would have to make his little hut nice and cosy.

We spent the next two hours wandering through the market, comparing various things, making notes of what we liked and everything else we came up with. I tried to get Brian to focus on his wishes, because after all it would be him having to live with it, but Brian insisted on including my wishes, on me telling him my opinion so he could adjust his wishes accordingly. I thought it was sweet, and because I didn't want to upset anything I didn't say anything and just told him my opinion honestly.

I still tried to make it as close as possible to his wishes as possible without being too obvious because I didn't want him to change the entire thing just because of me. In the end we had a pretty good idea of what we were going to do with the little building on his grounds, and we left the building centre empty handed, but with a piece of paper and our heads full of ideas and inspiration. And Brian was in such a good mood that I couldn't help but be in a very good mood too.

On the drive back to his house we didn't talk about our project though, all we did was sing along - or at least try to sing along to the songs that came on the radio. And it was incredibly funny, because a lot of the time we didn't know the lyrics as well as we should have, so after we laughed awkwardly during the first songs we didn't know, we ended up making up our own lyrics. Which were just a load of nonsense. But it was hilarious and it made the entire drive go by quickly.

However, when Brian took the turn into his street, he didn't drive to his house, he stopped the car rather suddenly to me. "Do you want to stay for dinner?"

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