|18| • Casually Shirtless •

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We spent the afternoon and evening of that day working on replacing whichever parts of the wall needed to be replaced, and by the end of the day, before Brian invited me to stay for a simple dinner, we were finished completely. Which showed how good we were at planning those things because we both expected to need the entire week for that. While we ate, Brian told me what he thought we should do next, the following afternoons. When everything was settled and we both were full again, Brian closed the terrace door and led me out to his car so he could drive me home.

The drive home wasn't silent, unlike the drive after Brian picked me up. We were talking non stop about whatever came to our minds and even though I had said the comfortable silence was nice, the constant comfortable - at times slightly teasing - conversation was even better. Of course I had to bring up Brian's ice water attack again, which ended with me teasing him about his reaction to my bra again. It was incredibly funny. When Brian parked the car in front of my flat, we were still incredibly close to getting lost in another fit of laughter again.

"Well," he said, looking at me with a smirk on his face. "Here we are."

"Yes, here we are..." I smiled widely at him. "So... the same thing tomorrow? Do you want to pick me up again? I wouldn't mind driving either, if you'd prefer that."

Brian immediately shook his head. "No, no, I'll definitely pick you up again. At the same time, right?"

"Yeah, at the same time." I nodded and let my eyes wander over his face, smiling. "I'm looking forward to that."

"Me too, me too, believe me. It's so much more fun with you there, everything is much more fun. I'm really glad that you're back in my life."

"I feel the same, Brian, don't worry." I held my arms out for him and hugged him tightly when he moved a little closer on the bench seat. "I should go to sleep pretty soon, but I'll definitely see you tomorrow."

"Good, good. I won't keep you longer. Go ahead, get some rest, you deserve it after all you had to endure today." Brian pulled away with a smirk on his face.

I laughed and nodded. "Yes, I think so too. Get home safely, and sleep well." A bit hesitantly I let go of him.

"Do you want me to come to the door with you?" He asked, being the typical gentleman.

"Oh no, don't worry, it's fine, it's right there." I pointed to the house and smiled at him. "I'll be fine."

He nodded, watching me get out and get my bag from the backseat. "Okay. But I'll wait until I know you're inside safely."

"Alright." I smiled at him. "That's sweet of you, thank you.. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Definitely, there's no question there."

I smiled and waved at him before I closed the door of the car. When I got to the house my flat was in I unlocked the door and turned around again to wave at Brian once more before I went inside, securely closing the door behind me. He was such a sweetheart. It had been such a wonderful day, so when I went to bed not long after, I still had a smile on my face. It had been a long time since I had fallen asleep so genuinely happy. The only small drop of bitterness was knowing that it would still be quite a few hours - and a lot of work - until I would see Brian again.

The following days passed in a similar manner. Work in the morning, then Brian would pick me up and we'd drive to his house to work on the hut. We ended up having a small snack every afternoon, and I even managed to get my revenge on Brian. I also showered him in cold water, not the day after he'd done it with me but two days after, because he wasn't on guard as much anymore.

And let me tell you, it was a good idea because he didn't go to get a dry shirt, instead he just took off the wet shirt and worked the rest of the afternoon shirtless. It had been very good. I enjoyed that a lot, and I wasn't shy to let him know that. It was fun to see him getting slightly flustered again. He had a hard time believing that I meant it, but I did mean it, so I tried to convince him of that.

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