|21| • Ice Cream Soup •

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However, when we got to the house, he eventually had to take his hand off my back again which was a shame, really.

"Do you want to get something to drink while I try to find the wheelbarrow? I know I have one somewhere, I'm just not entirely sure where. Bear with me."

"Don't worry," I told him, chuckling a little. "I'm not in a rush. I'll be right back and then I can help you look. Together we'll find it somehow. Remember, we make a good team."

"Yes, we really do..." He looked at me for a moment, but before I could turn around to go into his house he stopped me with his hand on my arm, very gently. "Thank you, Henrie, for doing all this with me and for being here so much and... you know, just everything. I really appreciate it, I enjoy it so much. Everything.."

He was so adorable. Honestly. He had to know how adorable he was being, it was impossible that that could go unnoticed. "Brian..." I smiled at him and stepped a little closer to him again. I was a bit at a loss for words if I was honest. "You know, I ... I'm enjoying all of what we're doing so much too, you have no idea. It's so much fun working on everything with you and talking to you and just spending time with you. Really. You have no idea how much I was looking forward to coming here every day of the past week. I mean, I'm always looking forward to being off, but never as much as now.."

Brian's smile only grew, which made him even more adorable. "You have no idea how happy I am to hear that, really."

I just couldn't stop myself. "I'm glad I can make you happy.." Having to stand on my tiptoes, I softly kissed his cheek. Only for a moment, and almost immediately after I pulled away I walked into the house. But before I stepped through his terrace door, I couldn't help myself, I turned around again, looking at where he was. He was still standing where he had been standing, his eyes on me. That just made the entire situation even cuter somehow. I smiled at him again before I went inside. Once I was certain that I wasn't in his field of view anymore, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, unable to keep myself from smiling widely. He was so adorable.

But it wasn't the time to get distracted. It was the time to get something to drink for Brian and me. While I thought about how adorable Brian was. And how sexy at the same time. My mind kept alternating between those two images. Brian being adorable, watching me go inside the house with a smile on his face, the most adorable smile there was in the world, and Brian being incredibly sexy, working on those log benches, shirtless, slightly sweaty... that really got my imagination going.

Shaking my head a little, I opened the kitchen door. I had to focus on the tasks at hand, so that maybe I could let my thoughts wander in a quiet moment. I got a jug of water ready with some ice and a bit of lemon before I grabbed two glasses. Brian hadn't had anything to drink for quite some time either, and I wasn't going to be responsible if he fainted because he was dehydrated. Carrying the jug and the glasses, I returned back into the garden. At first I couldn't see Brian anywhere, but when I could hear noises coming from the left, I figured that's where he had to be.

"Brian?" I called out, placing the jug and the glasses on his terrace table so I could help him if necessary. Following the sounds, I made my way across the grass. There was no reaction, so he probably hadn't heard me. Which was something that seemed even more likely when I saw the position he was in. I could only see his long legs and his butt, not that I was complaining, but I was a little surprised how that had come about.

Smirking a little, I walked over to what seemed to be his tool shed, standing behind him. "So what is happening here? I didn't think I'd be getting such a nice view..." Crossing my arms I bit my lip and let my eyes wander over him.

As soon as he realised I was talking to him, he stood up straight, but before he could say something, there was loud noise coming from inside the shed. "Oh crap," he said, quickly turning around again.

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