|29| • Henrie & Brian's •

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It wasn't long before Brian returned to me, carrying everything that we would need over the course of the evening. Somehow I managed to carry both the wine classes and the twigs we had collected and with those things we returned to the hut where the bonfire was waiting to be lit. And I was excited for that if I was honest because I was quite certain that Brian and I wouldn't be sitting on each our own log bench, but that we would share one which meant cuddling which was exactly what I was looking forward to. Cuddling, wine and marshmallows, in nature, with Brian.

While I was carving a couple of branches so that we could use them for making marshmallows, Brian rearranged the bonfire and lit it, startling me a little if I was honest. But the bonfire looked quite nice. It was small, Brian had used just three or four of the logs for now, but the light was cosy, and it was warm.

"What do you think?" He asked proudly, joining me with a smile on his face.

"Of what? The fire? You?" I teased, handing him one of the branches I just finished.

"The fire of course," he laughed, shaking his head a little. "It's nice, isn't it?"

I nodded, crossing my legs. "It really is. Good job." I smiled at him and leaned in to softly kiss his cheek. There were marshmallows waiting to be eaten, but for now I needed some Brian. That's why I moved a little closer and rested my head on his shoulder.

Brian was quick to wrap his arm around my waist, resting his head against mine. A simple but incredibly sweet gesture that brought a big smile onto my face. "We both did a good job with this entire thing. I can't believe how good it looks, really. Thank you so much, Henrie, for everything. I appreciate it so much, that you want to spend this much time with me.."

"Brian, it's so much fun, really. I feel the same way, I'm having so much fun here with you, and I'm so happy that I can be here so much, that you gave me your key, and that we're going to Tenerife together... I still can't believe that."

"I'm so excited for that.. It's going to be so much fun." He sighed happily, gently massaging my side with his fingers. "Oh, by the way," he almost exclaimed, sitting up straight again. "I still have something for you. Well, not really for you, but... you'll know what I mean when you see it. Don't go anywhere," he instructed me before he got up and disappeared into the hut.

I watched him curiously, the smile ever present on my face. He was simply adorable. It wasn't long before I could see him come back, carrying something rather big. I was aware that I kept telling him he didn't have to get me stuff, but now I of course wanted to know what it was. It looked a bit like part of a big tree disc, but I wasn't sure what that meant, what his something for me would be.

"Alright, it's nothing big, but I made this, because... because I found this and I thought it could be nice." He gave me that adorable smile he always had and turned the piece of wood around for me to see.

When my eyes fell upon what he had done, to say I had expected something like that couldn't be further from the truth. There was the faint outline of a heart that I thought I could distinguish, but what I definitely could see was what he had written on the wood, or carved, or whatever the proper expression was. In a slightly clearer version of his handwriting there very clearly stood Henrie & Brian's.

"It's.. I thought it could be like a sign over the door.. If you like it of course. Feel free to say that you don't like it was just a quick idea I had, but ... maybe you do like it.."

"Like it? I think it's such an incredibly sweet idea, I love it. It's beautiful." I smiled widely at him and got up so I could have a proper look at it. "I hope this wasn't a lot of work.."

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