[58] • Tunnels, Mountains, Photographs •

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"Henrie? Henrie, my love.."

The voice was very faint, but together with the tickling feeling on my skin it slowly but surely pulled me out of my dream. It took a few moments but slowly I was realising what was happening. My dear boyfriend seemed to want something, but why this early? Sighing softly I opened my eyes and came face to face with him smiling sweetly at me. "What is it?" I mumbled, rolling onto my side to I could look at him better.

"Hey... did you sleep well?"

I closed my eyes again and sighed. "I did until I was woken..."

"Sorry, but I came up with something we could do today and we'd kind of need to leave soon..."

I opened my eyes again and lazily examined his face. "What is that?"

"Well, there's this place in the north east, beautiful nature, and we could make it a two day trip to there if you feel like it. I'm sure we can find a place to stay the night and we could go for a hike and explore that bit of the island more. If you feel like it of course."

"Have you been there before?" I asked, trying to get my brain to work properly this early in the morning. "What time is it?"

"It's a bit past ten, I hope that's okay," he said, smiling sheepishly. "And no, I haven't been there before I've only seen pictures but it looks gorgeous."

I sighed and nodded, rubbing my eyes. "Alright, if you think that could be nice then we can do that, sure. Just give me a few minutes to wake up and get ready. When do we have to leave?"

"I'd guess it takes about an hour and a half to drive there, so as soon as you're ready. I'll make us breakfast, okay? We should pack a backpack with a few clothes, but that's it. We'll be back here tomorrow."

I nodded. "Yeah okay, that sounds fine. Sorry I'm a little sleepy."

"It's okay, it's cute," he told me and softly kissed my cheek. "I'm so happy that I'm the one who gets to see you sleepy in the morning."

"You're adorable," I told him with a smile and wrapped my arms around him. "We should get up before I fall back asleep."

"Alright, my dear," he said, sitting up, before he pulled me up too. "How is your body? Are you still sore?"

"Uhm... no... not like yesterday. Maybe a little bit, we'll see, but it's better. What about you?" I asked, letting him pull me off the bed.

"I'm a lot better, I can't actually feel it anymore. I hope it doesn't trouble you too much today. Are you sure you're okay with that plan?" He asked, letting his eyes wander over my body.

"Driving to... wherever you said? Yeah, definitely. I told you I'm totally with you. You said it's a beautiful area so I'm up for that. You'll bring your camera?"

He nodded with a smile. "Yes, I will, of course. Okay, do you want to shower?"

"Yeah, that would be nice. Is that okay?"

Again he nodded. He was so cute, honestly. "That is perfectly fine. I'll go get breakfast ready for us then, I already took a shower."

Furrowing my eyebrows, I looked him up and down. "Since when have you been up? What happened to the late riser that I know?"

"I couldn't sleep long today somehow, I don't know why. So I thought instead of lying around restlessly I'd do something useful. I'm still the same old, don't worry. The usual for breakfast?"

I smiled and kissed his cheek. "That would be wonderful, yes. Thank you, I'll try to be quick." I went into the bathroom while Brian went downstairs and took a quick shower. After that we had breakfast together and got ready for that very spontanous trip. We got in the car together and Brian started driving in the direction of the easternmost tip of the island.

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