|43| • Federico •

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It was safe to say that once Brian started showing me the masculine side of him I was easily convinced. And I was also very tired, so when we cuddle on the very comfortable bed, I actually fell asleep. And I slept for quite a while, but when I woke up I was still in Brian's arms and it was the most wonderful thing.

"Hey there, sleeping beauty," he greeted me and softly kissed my forehead. "Did you sleep well?"

"I always sleep well by your side, my dear," I told him and smiled at him. "Thank you for staying with me the entire time."

"You're gorgeous.. I might sound creepy but I do enjoy looking at you a lot. And you're so adorable when you're asleep." He smiled widely at me and pulled me close again.

"I would say it's creepy that I you enjoy looking at me, but actually I like looking at you too, so I'm really not one to talk." I chuckled and kissed his chest softly. "My guapo boyfriend.."

"Ah, I see you learned," he laughed softly.

"Well, after what you did earlier I can hardly keep calling you feminine." I smiled widely at him. "You're amazing, and very very masculine."

"I'm glad I brought that point across, my dear." He smiled widely and pecked my lips. "Do you want to get dressed and maybe try to find that little shop? It couldn't hurt to have some food in the house."

I nodded. "Mh, yes, good point. But I want to shower first. With all this workout in the hot temperatures that's very much necessary."

"Mind if I join you?" He asked, getting up as well.

"What makes you think I'd have a problem with that?" I asked him and winked at him. I held out my hand for him and intertwined our fingers before I led him down the hall into the bathroom. We took a shower, but of course we got a little distracted at times and the shower ended up being a little longer, but very enjoyable.

When we got out of the shower we got dressed in some summerly clothes before we made sure that every window and door was closed securely. Brian made sure we had money and the map, and of course the kyes before we left. We decided not to take the car and walk instead, because we both agreed that in that way we could explore a lot more. Hand in hand we made our way down the street. When we had made it past the gate, Brian pulled out the map, just to make sure that we really were going the right direction. And when he was confident about that, he reached for my hand again and we continued to walk down the hill.

"Look at all this wine," I pointed out, gesturing to the vinyards on either side of the street, taking up the spaces between the houses.

"I know. They have some really good wine here. We can probably get some if you want to try a few."

I shrugged and glanced at him. "Maybe we can ask your friends for some recommendations. I know I'm picky but if they have some good wine here it would be a shame to miss out on that."

"Exactly what I was thinking," he agreed and smiled at me. "We'll find some wine that you like, don't worry." He looked around and pointed down a street. "I think we have to go there."

"Okay... just look at this gorgeous view. Imagine living here..." I stopped for a moment and looked at the sea that was in our field of view. "I know that technically we live on an island at home as well, but this is how I imagine an island, you know?"

"Yeah, I do. I know exactly what you mean. This kind of island has a completely different feeling to it. It's part of the charm. Hey, did you remember that little dictionary you had yesterday?"

I nodded and pulled it out of my small handbag. "Yes, I did. Why? You want to look up something?"

"Not yet, but we might need that in the shop." He smiled at me. "Carlos was right, you are a smart lady, I'm very lucky."

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