|30| • Getting Distracted •

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Chuckling, I looked at him. "You're not trying to, I know, but you're wanting to. I know men." When he didn't say anything in reply to that, I knew that I had a point with what I was saying. Smiling to myself, I snuggled close to him again. It was obvious that he was trying to find something to say, but before he got a chance for that, I sat up again and reached for the branches with our marshmallows on them. "Here, before they burn."

"Thank you," he muttered, taking on of them. He took a deep breath before he started to eat his marshmallow, letting his eyes rest on the fire. If I knew him as well as I thought then he was a little embarrassed. But he'd get over it, I was sure of that.

With a smile on my face, I decided not to say anything and just leaned against him again. "These are quite good, where did you get them?"

"New York..," he mumbled with his mouth full, turning his head to smile at me.

"New York?" I asked surprised. "Wow, alright... is it normal that you have food from all over the world?"

"I just bought those because someone said they were the best.. I mean, I have Sake from Japan, for example, but apart from that I don't really have food from all over the world. But these are really good, aren't they? I don't feel like I'm going to be sick after more than five of these."

"Does that mean we'll be out here for quite some time?" I asked, looking up at him with a smile.

He turned his head for a moment and shrugged. "We'll see what happens. You said you wanted to watch the stars appear, right? Maybe we can lie down somewhere, like we did for the picnic," he suggested, wrapping his arm around me again.

"That sounds like a good idea, yeah." I nodded and rubbed his thigh gently.

"I'll go get the picnic blanket, okay? You wait here and watch the fire." He kissed my cheek softly before he got up, handing me his marshmallow stick.

"Alright.. but don't be too long."

Gently he rubbed my shoulders. "I won't, I promise." With that he disappeared in the direction of his house.

And I was left in the dark. Well, almost dark. It wasn't entirely dark yet, and the fire helped a little too, but my mind did wander so I really had to tell myself to focus on the good stuff and not try to imagine any serial killers hiding between the trees. Because it was ridiculous and Brian's garden was a safe place. Which was why it was good that it wasn't long before Brian returned. It freaked me out a little when I heard strange noises around me, but when I saw him appearing again in the light of the fire, it was very relieving.

"Everything okay here?" His voice was gentle, as always, and he was smiling at me.

"Everything's perfectly fine, yes." I nodded a little, catching myself impatiently waiting for him to join me on the bench again.

"That's good.." It wasn't long before he sat beside me again, wrapping his arm around me. "Do you want another marshmallow?"

"Sure," I agreed, leaning against him before I watched him get the marshmallows ready.

He placed them by the fire before he looked at me. "So..."

That was all he said, which of course left me wondering. "So what?" I asked curiously, looking up at him.

"Uhm..." He averted his eyes and looked at the fire before he shrugged. "Uh. What do you want for breakfast tomorrow?"

I chuckled. "I don't know. Whatever you have will do fine. But you don't have to worry about that now already, really. Relax, okay? Even if you wouldn't have any food it wouldn't be a problem at all." Trying to get my message across, I placed my hand on his thigh again.

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