|40| • Bossy, Sleepy, Excited •

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When the kitchen was spotless, Brian and I returned to the living room. His parents seemed to share our opinion that the sooner we went to sleep, the better. And indeed it wasn't long before we all were in bed, or in Brian's case on the sofabed. But I didn't sleep very well if I was honest. Knowing that Brian was just down the stairs and that I wasn't sleeping in his arms was worse than not sleeping in his arms because he was all the way in Surrey.

That why, after I was somewhat confident that his parents were asleep, I grabbed my pillow and got up. As quietly as possible I snuck down the stairs and went to the living room. "Hey," I whispered, smiling at him in the sparsely lit room.

"Hey," he whispered back, sitting up a little. "I was waiting for you.."

Smiling, I went over to him, sitting on the sofabed. "I really can't sleep knowing that you're just down the stairs...," I told him quietly, smiling more when he pulled me down beside him.

"I know..," he mumbled and softly kissed my cheek. "I'm so glad that you feel the same way. I don't think Dad understands that we don't have to have sex if we sleep in the same bed, I'm perfectly happy with cuddling. Well, not as perfectly happy as I would have been with you and me naked, but a lot happier than with you and me in separate beds."

I chuckled a little and fluffed my pillow before I snuggled up to him. "I completely agree with you." When his arms wrapped around me, I sighed happily and kissed his chest. "Now I'll be able to sleep just fine."

"Me too. Sleep well, my dear," he mumbled, pressing his soft, warm lips to my forehead in a gentle kiss.

"You too," I replied sleepily.

As predicted, it didn't take long for either of us to fall asleep. However, the next morning we were woken rather abruptly by a surprisingly loud voice. "Brian Harold May! I thought I made myself clear yesterday. In my house you live by my rules, and that includes no sleeping with your girlfriend. No matter how old you are."

Brian sat up, rubbing his eyes, squinting at his father. "Dad, we didn't do anything," Brian defended himself. To emphasise his point he pulled the blanket off the two of us to prove that we were still dressed. "But we couldn't sleep. You have to know what I mean. We're not married yet, okay, that doesn't mean we can't genuinely care about each other. Just because we're not married yet doesn't mean that this is nothing serious. You know how much Henrie means to me."

Apparently Brian's father hadn't really expected Brian to counter like that. I took the moment for which he hesitated as my chance to add something to the conversation. "We really didn't do anything, Harold. I just couldn't sleep knowing that Brian was just downstairs. Normally if we can't sleep next to each other it's because I'm in London and he's all the way in Surrey, so..."

Harold sighed and rubbed his forehead. "It won't happen again, are we clear about that?"

"Yes, Dad," Brian muttered and sighed. "It won't happen again. Sorry."

"Okay. Now, get up, you two, we're going to have to leave soon," he told us. "We have about half an hour before we have to leave."

"If you want me to go on holiday with you again then you better get us tickets for a later flight," I told Brian and sat up, running a hand through my hair.

"If that is what it takes for you to go on holiday with me again, I promise I will," he told me and wrapped his arms around me from behind. "But now we have these tickets and we should really get up to eat something." He kissed my cheek softly before he let go of me and got up.

Sighing heavily, I got up as well. "Yeah... I hope you know I'm expecting you to make it up to me."

"You know I will, my dear," he told me with a smirk. "What do you want for breakfast? I'll make it for you."

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