|25| • In the Same Bed? •

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"Oh be quiet, you know what I mean." He gently poked my side before he started the car. "He doesn't start freaking out when he sees me. That's quite nice."

"I can imagine, yeah. I certainly wouldn't like it if people started freaking out whenever they see me.."

"It happens enough on tour, I don't really need that at home as well. I don't mind people recognising me and it's fine if they talk to me as long as they don't freak out, you know?"

I nodded and moved closer to him on the front bench. "Yeah, like they did with the Beatles."

"Yeah. It's fun on tour, but if I'm just picking up food then... I just want to pick up food.." He shrugged a little and glanced at me before he focussed on the street again.

"I don't think anyone blames you for that, really. At least I don't... maybe only because I'm the one you're picking up food with, but hey." I smiled at him and placed my hand on his arm.

Brian laughed softly and nodded. "That could be, yeah. I'm just glad that I have someone I can pick up food with and that that someone is someone who doesn't freak out."

"I'm glad you appreciate that." I smiled and kissed his cheek softly. "While we're talking about freaking out... can I ... mention you to people? That I know you. I mean, I won't run around and tell people that I know the Brian May, but I am probably going to mention you, my friend Brian, and that will raise some questions because ... I haven't talked about my friend Brian in a really long time."

"Of course you can talk about me," he told me, sounding slightly amused. "What have you been telling people where you're going for the past week?"

"Well... I told Annie that I had to work a little more - which I'm not quite sure she believes me - and my friends at work, I just told them I'd spend time with an old friend, but they obviously don't know that I know you - other than Annie. If I had told her that I'd be spending time with an old friend then she probably would immediately have known that I'm talking about you. And I really didn't want her to pester me with thousands of questions.."

Brian looked at me again for a short moment. "But... you will have to tell her eventually that you've been spending time with me, right? Or am I going to be your little secret for the rest of your life?"

"No," I told him, laughing softly at how he phrased that. "You're not. That would be strange. It's not like I'm ashamed of you, quite the opposite actually. I'm very proud of you. But I don't know how to tell her.. she loves you guys so much, I think she's still a little upset that I didn't bring you up earlier. I just hope that having Roger's number makes up for that now."

"Knowing Roger, it probably will, yeah. He'll make up for that in his own special way, he probably already has. But she can't really be upset with you. And if she is anyway, tell me and I'll tell her why you didn't bring it up. You had a good reason..."

Nodding a little, I leaned against him. "I know, I told her that too and she seemed okay with it. I don't know, I probably should call her again soon.."

"You can call her when we get back, if you want to. I want you to feel at home, you know that, right? So you can always use the phone."

I glanced up at him and smiled a little. "Are you sure? You know that can go on for quite a while if she realises where I am.. She probably will have quite a few things to tell me too." If she and Roger had spent more time together, then she'd certainly tell me about that.

"If you want to go back to London so you can meet with her tomorrow, that's perfectly fine too, you know? Don't feel obligated to stay here with me..," he said, looking at me again for a moment.

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