|51| • A Lot of Spanish •

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Hello everyone :)

I was just going to post a message later but I've made the experience wattpad doesn't tell you if I do so I'll do it this way too because the people I mean read this story. I just wanted to thank you all for the support during the past year, it's really wonderful. It means a lot that so many of you enjoy what I write, and all the votes and comments mean a lot to me! I know I'm not always good at answering comments and messages because I'm a bit of a mess at times but I always read them all and I wanted to thank you this way for all the comments that have been unanswered but still very much appreciated.

I wish you all the best for the following year, that it turns out the way you hope. I'm looking forward to another year full of ideas that never seem to stop coming, and I hope many of you will continue to enjoy them. I have a bunch planned for the future, it will be good. You'll see what I mean in time. But for now I'll let you enjoy this chapter, and I'll see you all on the other side!

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I was still holding Paco, letting him play with my finger when I heard lively Spanish chattering filling the hallway. And I had to admit that I was very curious now to meet more of Brian's friends, because so far they had all been very nice and depending on how well they spoke English it could be a fun evening.

It didn't take long before the five men came into the kitchen, filling up what little space was available. The kitchen was definitely full now, we were seven - eight if you counted Paco - and it wasn't what you would call a luxuriously big kitchen. And somehow everybody was talking Spanish, even Brian added a little here and there to the conversation, which was very impressive. I knew that he had learned a little, but actually he seemed to be quite good at it, at least as far as I could judge that.

Trying to keep up with what was happening, I let my eyes wander over the group until Brian met my eyes with his, giving me a smile. He came over to me and wrapped his arm around me. "Everything okay over here?" He asked softly.

"Yeah, everything is fine. Those are your friends?" I asked, nodding at the two men whose names I didn't know yet.

"Oh, yes, sorry uhm.. Ramón and Miguel, yes, they're my friends. Ramón, Miguel?" He repeated louder, wanting to get their attention. It worked, they stopped their conversation and looked at Brian. "This is my girlfriend, Henrietta," he introduced me to them.

Both of them looked at me with a smile and nodded. "It is nice to meet you," one of them told me. "I am Miguel."

"Nice to meet you too," I replied, letting my eyes wander over him. Not that I had expected anything else, but he was very handsome, just like the other man who had to be Ramón.

And indeed he introduced himself as that. Ramón. I liked the name. "This is Paco, yes?" He questioned, gesturing to the little boy in my arms.

"Yes," I confirmed. "That's Paco. I don't have any children. I'm just holding him so that María can take care of the food." Hopefully he understood me. When I met someone new here I was never quite sure how much they actually understood, at least until I had talked to them for a while. But Ramón seemed to be able to follow me because he nodded.

However the conversation ebbed off but before it could become awkward there was another knock on the front door of the house, more people as it seemed. This time Brian stayed with me, luckily, while the other three men went to let in whoever wanted to join our little group. I looked up at Brian and smiled at him. "Is it good to be back here and talk to everyone again?"

"Yes, very good. Are you having fun too?" He asked, smiling back at me.

"Yeah, it's not too bad. They're nice people and the food look good, and you're happy, so I'm happy."

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