|16| • Just a Little Curious •

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The drive to Brian's house wasn't particularly exciting, but it was just nice to spend time with him again doing nothing. Friends had to be able to do that too, just spend time together in comfortable silence, without doing anything. Because if you couldn't stand just sitting somewhere in silence then it would get very awkward very quickly.

But between Brian and me it wasn't awkward. In fact I really enjoyed just being around him. When we got to his house, he parked the car and got my stuff from the backseat without giving me the chance to say or do something. "Welcome back, Henrietta." He smiled at me before he invited me to go first.

"Thank you." I smiled at him and even though I didn't really see the point of going first because he had to unlock the door anyway, I went ahead. There was no point in arguing so I waited for him to let me in.

"What do you want to eat? We could make a salad, or ... we can have a look around to see what you want." He smiled at me and placed my handbag on the bench he had in his hallway.

I shrugged, watching him with a smile. It was really nice to be here again, with him. "As long as it's something to eat, I'm fine with whatever you have." I followed him into the kitchen. "Surprise me, I guess."

"Alright," he chuckled. "I'll do my best.. Just make yourself comfortable, okay?"

"I can still help you, don't worry," I tried to insist, watching him move about his kitchen with a smile.

Brian shook his head and smiled back at me. "No, no, I want you to relax. You've been working all day, so sit back and relax a little. I tried to make some lemonade earlier, it's in the fridge, if you want a glass. Personally, I don't think it's bad.."

"You made lemonade? Fancy.. I'll have a glass, I'm curious. Can I just take some?"

"Yes, yes, please help yourself. Glasses are there," he reminded me, pointing to one of the cupboards. "Feel free to take anything you need, okay?"

"Okay, thank you." I smiled at him before I opened the cupboard and got a glass. I was really curious about his lemonade now. When I opened his fridge it wasn't hard to spot the jar, because his fridge wasn't exactly full. "So what exactly is the plan for today then?"

"Well.. I can show you what I bought yesterday, and then we can get started on the walls, if you feel like it."

"That sounds good to me, yeah." I smiled and nodded, taking a sip of the lemonade. "This is really good. I didn't know you're so good in the kitchen."

Brian chuckled and shrugged. "I think that was just luck. I was worried it might be too sour."

"Oh no, it's wonderful, I really like it." I took another sip and smiled. "Hey, I'm going to change quickly, these are still partly work clothes."

"Go ahead. You remember where the bathroom is, right?"

I nodded and walked up to him, looking at what he was doing. "Yeah, I do. And that looks good. I'll be quick."

"Take your time," he called after me.

I didn't reply to that, I just went to get my shorts from my handbag. He was a real sweetheart, and it was really good to be around him again. Not just because he was making me food and it had been forever since someone had made food for me.

When I had exchanged my skirt for the shorts, I immediately felt better, and that was increased even more when Brian handed me a plate with a delicious looking sandwich when I returned to the kitchen.

"Here you go, a sandwich for you. It's nothing fancy, but I hope you like it."

"It looks delicious, really. Thank you very much. I could get used to this..." I smiled at him before we sat at the counter he had in his kitchen.

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