|15| • Missing the Good Times •

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It was lucky that the day after I had to be at work at eleven, and not at seven like the rest of the week. Of course that meant I had to work until late, but I was fine with that. I had a bunch of stuff to do and in the boring moments I had the evening before to think about. It had been so much fun. That was the best way to describe it. Brian and I had laughed so much, I couldn't remember another time I had laughed that much. At one point I was crying of laughter and Brian nearly choked on his pasta. That sort of took us back to reality and we had calmed down, but not for long. Brian had told me yet another crazy story, and that was all it took for us to go back to laughing like maniacs.

The day at work was a lot less funny though. It passed, however, somewhat quickly. I didn't really do very much that evening after work either, so soon I went to bed and then it was back to work. Early. Much earlier than any person should be awake.

I had to admit that as reluctant as I had been about meeting with Brian at first, as happy I was now that I had gone to meet with him. I knew it was good to have him back, and I knew that I had missed him more than I had wanted to admit to myself. I had only lied to myself out of self protection of course. But now I didn't have to protect myself anymore, and the closer the hands on the clock got to 2 pm, the more excited I got. It was good that he was picking me up, because otherwise I would have had to spend another hour waiting to see him.

I wasn't a very patient person normally, but waiting for something I really wanted was even worse. And I really wanted to see Brian again, so waiting for the hours to go waiting for the hours to go by wasn't exactly something I enjoyed.

However, for once luck actually was on my side, so during one of the quieter times, a familiar face entered the pharmacy.

"Hello Henrie."

Immediately when I heard that voice I looked up, smiling. "Annie!" I exclaimed, going over to hug her. "Hey, how are you?" I let my eyes wander over her, nodding a little. "You look good, it's good to see you."

"Same, Henrietta. I tried calling you the past two days, but you haven't been home a lot, or at least I always must have missed you."

"Well I had to work all day yesterday.." I shrugged. "It's alright though, you found me now, so what's happening with you? Have you called Roger yet?"

"What do you think why I've been trying to call you so much?" She asked excitedly, smiling widely at me.

I chuckled and looked at her. "Don't keep me waiting, tell me what happened," I told her. Of course I was curious what had happened between them. "Have you seen Freddie again?"

"Oh no." She shook her head. "But that's okay. I saw Roger again..." The smirk on her face said more than words ever could.

"You saw him again?" I asked, laughing softly. "How much of him exactly did you see?"

Annie giggled and shrugged. "Oh you know, just about everything there is to see.." She bit her lip and winked at me.

"Oh wow," I chuckled, looking at her. "When? Last night?"

"Well... last night, the night before, a couple of times during the day yesterday..."

"Annie..." That was definitely more than I had expected. "Oh my god," I laughed, shaking my head. "Well, is he any good in bed?"

"Is he any good?! What kind of question is that? He's like a sex god, honestly..." Annie's voice had gotten a little louder, so my colleague was now looking at us with a curious expression.

"Shhh," I reprimanded her, chuckling a little. "You don't have to share that with the entire world."

"Oh I want to though, believe me... he's amazing. Really. I have to work tomorrow, so I have to get up early, but tomorrow evening we're meeting again, and believe me, I'm already really looking forward to that. So much."

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