|36| • Moodswings •

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Annie ended up staying for quite a while that evening and she even got me to spill some more secrets about what Brian and I had done. She was very curious, but I didn't actually mind. However, eventually she did have to leave, which gave me a chance to already start packing a little for Tenerife, and also for the weekend because something told me that I wouldn't spend all that much time at home during the weekend.

The night was a very short one, I had to get up early the following morning, because I had the early shift at work again. Still half asleep I got ready in the morning, I had a little breakfast and made sure I looked as good as it was possible before I grabbed my backpack and my small handbag and hurried to catch the bus that would bring me to work. My car stayed at home because Brian would be picking me up later.

Later was longer away than I hoped it would, but eventually the hands on my watch did show 3pm and I was quick to go to the back and change out of my work blouse to avoid running into a customer who thought I could help them. My boss and our colleague were in that day as well so both of them wished me a wonderful time on my holiday before my boss made sure that I left no later than absolutely necessary.

With a smile on my face I stepped out on the street and put on my sunglasses, skimming the street for Brian's car. At first I didn't spot it, but when I did I couldn't stop myself from smiling widely. Quickly I hurried across the street and placed my backpack in the backseat before I got in the front where I found myself face to face with a widely smiling Brian.

"Hey gorgeous," he greeted me, his eyes sparkling mischievously.

"Hey handsome," I replied, smiling back at him. "How are you?"

"I'm very good, now that I have you by my side again," he told me charmingly.

"You definitely know how to charm women, wow."

He chuckled and reached for my hand. "I only want to charm you, my dear.. Do I get a kiss?"

"You want a kiss?" I asked, slightly surprised. If I was honest I hadn't expect him to ask that.

"Of course. You don't want to kiss me? I remember that differently," he told me, still holding my hand.

"Don't be silly, of course I want to kiss you. You know how much I enjoy that." I leaned in, smiling widely before I kissed him very softly.

He immediately reacted to my touch, pulling me closer to him. He deepened the kiss, taking me a little by surprise, but I wasn't going to object to him trying to make up for the few days we hadn't seen each other for. He let out a soft sigh as he pulled away and smirked at me. "You do enjoy that..."

"I told you so," I confirmed, smiling back at him. "I missed you."

"I missed you too.. I think it's really good that we're going to have so much time together. You might be sick of me by the end of our trip." He smirked, biting his lip for a moment.

I laughed and shook my head. "I honestly doubt that will happen, don't worry. You can try, but something tells me that you don't want me to be sick of you."

"No, no, not at all. I enjoy your company too much. I'm really looking forward to our holiday, you have no idea. Just you and me together." He smiled widely and reached for my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

I leaned in and softly kissed his cheek. "I like how that sounds. I'm so excited to see all the places you told me about when we were younger."

"I will, of course. That's one of the reasons I'm taking you there," he explained and started the car. "Just out of curiosity, would you be up for hiking, maybe even up Mount Teide a bit?"

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