Chapter 1

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Kenzie's Pov.

I have been smart almost all my life, and people bully me cause of that. My family is rich, one of the richest people, and they're never home. We live in a five floored house, I know its crazy and they're not even home half the time. The fifth floor is my floor, and its like my own apartment because it has a bedroom, closet, living room, kitchen, study room, dining area, and a movie room. 

The fourth floor is a game room, which I barley go to.

The third floor is my parents floor, which has everything mine does, minus the movie room, and it has a big walk in closet.

The second floor is the pool room, it has a really big pool and hot tub. I go in this room a lot.

And the first floor is just a guest floor, which has everything mine does.

I guess people make fun of me for not being cute, or my clothes, or wearing glasses, wearing no make-up, or just for plainly being smart, or for my parents. Not lots of people like my parents mostly because of everything they have.

Today I woke up and took a shower and put on a black top and some high-wasted jeans and my white converse.

I dried my hair and went to my Kitchen and got some cereal and ate it quickly then ran down stairs.

I got into my blue mustang and drove to school.

I got a close parking spot and then walked to my locker.

I got my books for my  three first classes then walked to my first class, which was Ap English with Mr. Winter.

I went into his class and went to my usual seat, the first seat closest to Mr. Winter's desk, and sat down and got my text book out for this class. I then got on my phone.

I went on Snapchat and posted a picture of me and captioned it, "Another boring day in school.."

I put my phone away and then started reading through the assigned pages of the text book.

My best friend walked in ten minutes to the bell and sat right beside me.

"Hey Kenzie." Eden said to me.

"Hey Eden." I said to her and smiled.

"So what did you do all weekend?" She asked me turning towards me.

"Nothing much, just stayed in my room and watched some Netflix, what about you?" I said.

"Nothing much, just went to a party and then went out with my boyfriend." She said smiling.

Eden is a party girl, and she is known around school. She is really pretty with Blonde hair and brown eyes.

After third period I went to my locker and put my text books away and started walking to lunch.

I got my lunch and started walking to my usual table and then Paris, the queen bee of the school, Bumped into me and caused me drop my food all over the floor.

"Dork face why did you walk into me! Watch where your going you almost got your food all over my thousand dollar shoes." Paris screamed.

She's the main person who bullies me. 

Paris's family is rich just like mine. Paris is really pretty despite her bullying me. She has ombre hair and blue eyes. She's wearing some high-wasted ripped jeans and a white crop top.

I went back in line and then walked, again, to my table.

And I caught a glance of the most hottest guy of the school Malaki, I like him, but he's Paris's boyfriend, she's obsessed with him. They are the couple everyone wants to be, I can tell by the look in his eyes that he loves Paris, and nothing will get between them.

He smiled at me and I smiled back and then sat down at my table and ate my food.

After school was over I got in my car and left.

I walked up to my floor and I did my homework and cooked some pizza. After I was done eating I took a quick shower and put on my pajamas and went to the movie room.


Hey guys I finally got my laptop and I'm starting to edit the book. I'm going to try to edit atleast one or two chapter a day 

anyways peace out <3

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