Chapter 29

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I woke up at midnight to the twins crying. I get up off of ace and go and feed them and change their diaper and then go to ace.

"Ace, Baby, wake up. Let's go to the bed." I say shaking him. He opens his eyes then gets up following me to the room. We get into bed and I scoot closer to him.


I woke up the next morning to ace not in bed.

He was probably feeding the twins.

I got out of bed and walked into the twins room, but Ace wasn't there. The twins were sleeping, but Ace wasn't there.

I walked into the kitchen and saw a note-

Hey baby i know this is short notice but i had to go check on something,
Sorry, love Ace <3

Ok he was out. I walked into my bathroom and took a quick shower and braided my hair. I put on a Crop top and some ripped jeans. I put in my trust converse and then went to the babies room and put them in their car seats after feeding them, changing their diapers, and changing them into some onesies.

I snuggled them up in their blanket and got their diaper bag that was already filled with what I needed.

I sent Ace a quick text telling him I was going grocery shopping and he texted back with a ok and stay safe.

I buckled up the twins in my car and got in the front seat. I drove to Walmart and then got a grocery cart and but Elena and Eden in their car seats in the cart.

I walked and got some dinner for the week, some lunches. Some more diapers and formula. I also went through the baby clothes section and got more outfits for them. I then checked out and went back to the car when Ace called.

"Hey baby. I just got done grocery shopping what's up." I said.

"I need you to head to the hospital right now Kenz. I don't have enough time to explain, but head over here and say you are here for Ace Winters." He said.

I was scared.

"Baby are you ok-"

"Kenz just get over here!" He said.

I felt a tear slid down my cheek and then said ok to ace.

I got the groceries in the car and the babies buckled up. I buckled up in the drivers seat and then drove to the hospital. I grabbed the diaper bag, my keys, and the babies in their car seats and put them in their stroller and strolled inside.

"Hey I-I'm her for Ace winter." I said stuttering a little bit. The doctor nodded and then guided me to his room. I saw ace in a bed. He was bruised up, and had cuts every where.

What happened?
Hey yes I know it's short the next chapter will be longer.

Anyways is Ace Okay?

I'll be updating soon.

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