Chapter 3

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Smile it reduces stress
~ Anonymous
Chapter 3

I woke up to the baby moniter with cries coming from it. I get out of the comfy bed i shared with Ace last night. I walked to the babies room and saw Elena standing up and holdung the rail.

"Momma." She screamed and i pucked her up.

"Shh. Shh, baby girl. Its okay mommy's here. Lefts get you two ready and then we can go eat." I said.

I put Elena on the diaper changed and changed her diaper and put her im a new onesie and her hair in pigtails.

I then put her down the let her play and i got Eden and woke him up. I chaged him and put him in a onesie and then bushed out his hair.

"Okay, now lets go to the kitchen." I say putting Eden down and grabbing their little hands and walking with them.

I was so happy when they walked the first time a little while ago, i may even have cried but shh.

I then picked up Elena and Eden and put them in their highchairs.

I got some grapes, strawberrys, and some crackers and gave them it while i was making them oatmeal.

When i was done i fed them and Ace came down the hall, with his hair brushed out and a white t-shirt tight against his chest.

I smiled at him when he came and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.p

"Goodmorning." He said putting his head in my neck.

"Goodmorning to you too." I said turning around giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"So, whats today?" I asked.

"I have work at the office for a couple hours, then im home." He said, and i smiled and nodded.

"I have some school today, atleast its my last year, but i have school today, and then we have the house to ourselves amd the twins." I said smiling at him.

"Okay, i got to head out now. Bye Baby." He said giving me a quick kiss, and then he said bye to the twins.

"Bye Ace." I said when he left.

Okay now its on for some school.

Yeah im in college to be a Occupational Therapist.

I grabbed my laptop and then set it down on the couch and then got the twins and put them on the living room floor and then i sat on the couch and put on the tv and put in a movie.

I opened my laptop and started schook.

I was done four hours later.

I saw the twins on the couch taking a nap. I got up and checked the time.


Ace would be home soon. I went and cooked some speghetti and then i woke up the twins.

"Hey babes. Dinners ready." I said putting them in their high chairs and got some speghetti and cutted it up for them and gave them their plates to eat.

When they were done and i was done i gave them a bath and put them to bed.

Ace came home when i was washing the dishes

"Hey baby. Sorry the office needed me there." He said hugged me from behind and setting a kiss on my neck.

"Its okay. I just put the twins to bed." I said drying my hands.

"Know what today is?" He asked and i shook my head.

"The first day we met. Two years ago." He said and i smiled and then put my hands around his neck and kissed him.

He kissed back straight away.

And then we went to the bedroom.
4 weeks later

I woke up with Ace's arm around my waist.

The twins were with my mom today and slept over there last night.

I finished college yesterday. I can now get a job. I smiled at the thought.

I then felt really sick.

I got out of Ace's hold and ran to the bathroom and let out all the contenents of last night. I then realized something once Ace walked through the door.

Im late.

"Babe whats wrong? You look likes somethings off." He said.

I got up and went in the cabinet and took out a pregnancy test.

He then looked worried.

"Im late." I said. Ace ran over to me and hugged me from behind.

"If your pregnant. Don't worry. We will get through this together. We are a family." He said.

I then took out the test and i did it.

I waited two minutes and then looked at it. Two lines.

Im pregnant
Hey guys long time no see.

Sorry i had a lot going on and then i had writers block.

As some of you may or may not know i just uploaded a book called.

Stay with me.

I will be doing chapters and posting a lot of them to it so i think you should give it a read if you like romance.

Anyways i decided, and its really hard for me too. There will only 6 more chapters of this, plus some bonus chapters.

I don't know how to continue this book anymore. So i decided that i give it a rest for a little while.

Now i decided that its time to get ready to end it.


Bye lovelies❤️

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