Chapter 17

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I've been eighteen for awhile. I kinda like it, but I feel the same. Today I decided to go out somewhere. My baby bump is kinda showing, but I can kinda hide it. It's spring. And in spring it's really hot.

I made a thing with fake grass turf so Gracie  can play and use the restroom.

I took a shower and dressed in a flow knee length dress with some flats.

I grabbed my keys and started driving to a cafe.

I got out of my car and locked it and got a ice tea and sat at a table.

I then looked at the door and wanted to run out, leave, and never come back.

I saw Jay come through the door with a girl on his arm. He looked at me then glared. I got up glaring at him and left. The girl looked confused. He never told her, figured.

I went to my car and sat there. I need friends. I had no friends after Eden, i just didn't want friends.

I finished school, even went to graduation.

I started my car and went to a club. I walked in and sat down. I got a water and sat there. I wished I had someone I felt protected with. Malaki knows to much, but I felt protected with him. But he cared too much about his reputation, jay too. I was about to leave when a guy came to me.

"Hey. Do I know you?"

"I don't know."

"Are you, Kenzie?"

I nodded.

"Hey I'm Ace."

"Ace. Wait we went to school together, you were the school third bad boy, a player."

"I'm not a player anymore. I had my eyes set out for one girl, just never thought we would be able to be together."

"Well sorry I got to go. I have a dog at my house that I need to take care of. She's my dog, but yeah."

"You have your own house? That's cool. Do you think I could have you number? Maybe we could hang out sometime."


We exchanged phones then I got my phone and said bye and left. Maybe he will be the person I'm friends with.

I don't know.

When I got home I got Gracie and her leash and we went out for a walk. I then saw Ace again.

"Oh hey. Is this your dog?"

I nodded.

"She's so cute. Hey maybe you want to go to that park. Maybe talk I don't know."


He smiled and we walked to the park that's close bye. I gave Gracie a treat and some water and then we sat at a bench.

"So how's life? I heard you graduated early how come?"

"My life is okay at the moment. And yeah I graduated early for personal reasons and I just didn't want to go to college I guess."

"Well maybe I will know that personal reason one day."

"Maybe you will."

We continued talking for what seems like hours till he walked me home and I let him stay for dinner.

I made some noodles for us both and then we talked a lot.

We talked about his family.

He has a baby brother and a lil sister that's 15. He lives with his dad, only his dad.

I told him about me living with jay and Malaki for a while till I left and bought a house with my moms help. I told him my parents were in Europe now.

"So I'm wondering. Are you pregnant? I know it's rude to ask and such on but you have a bump."

"Yeah I'm pregnant. With twins. The personal reason we talked about earlier. It's Jays babies, and he left me. We had a fight about it and I packed up and left. The only time I saw him sense then was today at a cafe."

He then hugged me. And I let tears fall down. He is my only friend at the moment, and i feel we are going to be close.

"Ace? Can we be friends? I just haven't had a friend since Eden and it's getting a little lonely."

"We can be the bestest of friends. I can come over and we could have sleepovers and go hang out at the mall or movies or the park. I will be here for you when you need it. I promise"

I hugged him and then I looked at him.



"Sleepover Maybe this weekend or something. It's Thursday maybe after school tomorrow we could go to the movies or rent a movie and watch it here and like make a fort or something."

"Sure. Tomorrow?"

He put his pinky out and then I grabbed his pinky with mine.


He left soon afterwards and then I got Gracie and we went to my bed.

I'm glad to have Ace as a friend. I just hope we can stay friends.

He is probably the best person in my life right now.

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