Chapter 25

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"-I'm almost in love with you Kenzie." He said. I looked at him. Then I stepped closer.

"-I'm almost in love with you too."

Then I kissed him. He kissed me back then I pulled back smiling.

"We can take this slow Kenz. I know the thing with jay-"

"Don't bring him up. He's nothing compared to you. And we can take it whatever you want. I don't care but I fell for you ace. No one will ever understand how I feel for you. I know I have the twins, but I would like you to be their father. You would be a way better father than him."

He came and hugged me.

"Now let's go home Kenz."

"You mean my home."

He grinned.

Once we got home I went into the babies room and I saw what I never wanted to see.


"What are you doing in my house Jay?!" I yelled.

"Kenzie!" He turned around and tried to hug me but Ace stopped him.

"Ace?" Jay said.


"Ace why are you with my girl."

"She ain't your girl. You left her when she needed you. I picked up the pieces, now she's my girl. Now leave before I make you."

He then runs out.

I go and hug Ace.

"Thank you."

"No need to be thanking you are my girl."

I smiled.

"So Ace. Since we are dating , and we've known eachother for nine months now. Do you want to move in?"

He then grabbed me and twirled me in the air.

"Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!"

He then kissed me.

Gracie ran in the room and I pet her. She is full gown now. She came in here thought and fell to the ground.


I ran to her.

"Ace we need to get her to the vet. Can you get her to the car I will get the twins."

"Yes Kenz now go."

I ran to the babies room and grabbed a diaper bag. I put six diapers in there, six bottles, water, their formula, some binkies, and some extra blankets and another pair of clothes.

I picked up Elena and put her in her car seat and buckled and snuggled her in and then did the same to Eden. I grabbed the diaper back and both the car seats and walked to the car. I buckled both their car seats in and sat in the back in the middle of them. Gracie was in the passengers seat and Ace was driving.

We drove to the vet and ace rushed Gracie in and was holding the diaper bag. I grabbed the babies car seats and walked into the vet. I sat down in the waiting chairs and then Ace came with paper work.

"I think you should go in with he Kenz I got the babies, and if it becomes to hard I will get you."


I did the paper work quickly and turned it in. A couple minutes later Gracie was in a room.

"So Gracie is not doing well."

"What is it doctor."

"Kenzie Gracie has a bad disease. She's sick and incurable. And she will pass in a couple hours. You will need to say your goodbyes."

I then started crying. This was my dog. My baby. I fall to the floor to my knees and cried. I got up and went to Gracie and hugged her.

Ace walked in holding Elena and Eden.

"Ace Gracie is going to pass today."

"Shh it's ok baby. Let's say our goodbye."

We said our goodbyes and I decided to get her put down, to let her go to sleep without pain.

When It was done I grabbed Elena and put her in her car seat and Ace got Eden.

I buckled them in and we went home.

When we got home we fed the babies and put them to bed. I then walked to our room.

"Baby are you ok?" Ace came to me.

"Yeah. It's just, I didn't even know she was suffering. It just sucks you know."

He came and hugged me.

"Yeah I know. You want to head to bed now?"

I nodded. We went to the bed and I snuggled into Ace and he held me.

I then fell straight to sleep.

I woke up the next morning to Ace moving in his sleep. I woke all night having to feed the babies.

I opened my eyes to seeing Aces face next to mine. He was fast asleep.

I got out of Aces hold and went to the bathroom. I put my hair in a bun and walked back into my room to ace looking at me.

"Hey Baby." He said.

"Hey babe."

He smiled.

"So today we are getting your things from your house. You tv, dresser, clothes, shoes, and more things."

"Yep." He nodded.

"I rented a moving truck so I can put my things in there to bring here. So you can stay here with the twins and I will get the stuff and you can help me move them." He said.

I nodded and then he got dressed and went to his house.

I got Elena and fed her and Eden and changed their diapers and their clothes. I then grabbed some boppie pillows and put them in the middle of them in the couch.

I sat there till ace got here and I helped him move his dresser next to my dresser. He had all hind clothes in the dresser. He then got his shoes and put them in the closet. He was then done.

"So baby do you want to do a lazy day, or do you want to get a present?" He said.

"What kind of present?"

"A secret."

"Fine the surprise." I mumbled.

He grabbed Elena and I grabbed Eden and we walked to his car and put them in their car seats with their blankets.

I sat in the middle and then he blindfolded me.

"Is this necessary Ace?"

"Very necessary Kenz." He said.

Once we got to the destination he un-blind folded me.

I looked around and a smile caught in my lips.

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