Chapter 15

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I woke up to mom calling me and said she will be at the airport and to head my way.

I quickly got to my car and drove there. When I saw her I ran to her and gave her a big hug.

We then went back to the hotel and we looked at Apartments. Really expensive ones.

I told her I wanted a two bedroom one.

For my baby and me.

Then after awhile we were in our way to see some apartments.

This once had a cute livening room and kitchen. It had two bedrooms and bathrooms and a balcony.

It was one of my favorites.

After a couple apartments we were at my favorite apartment that looked beautiful in pictures.

It had three bathrooms and two bed rooms, and an office room. It all looked perfect.

"Mom I think this is the house."

"Yep me too."

"Also Kenzie, I will send you money for paying for it and I will send you money for groceries and extra things."

I hugged her.

After awhile we got my credit card and she added money to it and then we bought the apartment.

We were now unpacking. And mom told me she would actually only be here for a week, business.

"Hey mom I need to tell you something."

"What is it honey."

"I'm pregnant. With Jays baby."

"Omg. Congrats Kenz. I get to be a grandma!"

She hugged me and I let tears of joys.

"We need to plan a baby shower. I want to be here for the gender. Omg omg omg I'm going to be a grandma!!"

After awhile she helped me get the second room empty.

Mom cooked a homemade meal and then we went and watched some tv.

Okay so this will be the day she founds out the gender. It is four months later and she had a tiny bump. She's finding out the gender and will be having a baby shower the next day. Her mom came in for three days, so this is the day of her appointment.
I woke up to my alarm. Today is the day I find out the gender. Mom cane in last night for it and she's sleeping if the couch.

I took a shower and put my hair in a bun and put on some make up. I dressed in a pink t-shirt and jeans.

It's now April 1st and today is what I get to know if my baby is a girl or boy. I'm hoping for a girl.

Jay hasn't texted me once.

When I got out of my bathroom I put on my pink converse and saw mom int he kitchen making breakfast. She's wearing a blue shirt and blue converse.

This totally "wasn't" planned.

After we ate we headed to the doctors for the appointment.

"I hope for a boy." Mom said.

"I want a girl."

She smiled and then we got to the doctors.

They were now checking.

"So you want the gender?"

I nodded.

"It a girl and a boy. You got twins congratulations."

I smiled.

"Yay. We got what we wanted baby."

"We did mom."

When we left we went to Walmart.

"We are getting cribs, highschairs, and car seats today."

"Okay mom. Is this my present?"


We got a boy crib and a girl crib and two cute high chairs and car seats.

When we went home mom mad invitations and then printed them and sent in to all family and friends, not jay or Malaki, But Marrie is invited.

Mom then helped me set up the highchairs and cribs in their room.

I then went to sleep afterwards.

I woke up the next day and took a shower and braided my hair and but on a cute rosy dress.

I then went out of my room and saw the whole house decorated.

"Mom. It's beautiful."

I had tears in my eyes.

"I know baby, I know."

I hugged her then she told me to unlock the door guests would be here soon.

The guests arrived and after a hour they left.

I got clothes, shoes, bows and hats, binkies, bottles, and two cute quilt blankets, the person that gave them to me said she wanted to know the baby names so she could make blankets with their names on it, and I agreed, and told her the names.

My boys name I'll be Toby.

My girls name will be Becca.

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