Chapter 27

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"And then they lived happily ever after." I read to the babies who were sleeping soundly.

Today was fun. Mom, Dad, Ace, the twins, and I went to the aquarium. We all ate afterwards and it was perfect.

Mom and Dad have a hotel, and they accept that Ace lives with me. And ace and Dad are like bestfriend, like no joke.

I went to my room to see ace in the bed sound asleep, yep he was not a night person. I chuckled and went to my closet and dressed into Aces T-shirt and some pajama shorts.

I walked out and went to my side of the bed and got under the cover and ace pulled me close to him.

I then fell fast asleep

I woke up the next morning to ace getting up and checking up in the babies. I got out of bed and followed him and grabbed Eden.

"Good morning sleepy head, and babies." I said as I made a bottle for Eden.

"Good morning princess." He said while he was feeding Elena.

After we were done and changed their diapers we changed them into onesies.

"So wanna go on a date tonight?" Ace asked.

I smiled and then nodded. He smiled back and I almost got lost in his blue eyes.

"Be ready by 5 we are leaving early, and your parents are coming at 4:30 so hop chop." He said, and I ran into my bathroom.

I took a shower and then put my hair up in a bun to dry a little. I then did some heavy makeup then I blowdried my hair. I curled my hair into big curls and then I put on a blue dress ending mid thigh. And I put on some heels. I looked at my hair and noticed how long it was, ending just before my but.

I then checked the time, 4:40.

I then calmed down and went into my closet and got a side bag and put my phone in it.

I walked out of my room and saw mom.

"Oh my god my baby, you are so beautiful." She gawked at me.

I smiled at her then I saw ace having some red roses in his hands. He was wearing a tux. I smiled at him.

"Your beautiful princess." He said. I think he was even drooling, maybe I'm exaggerating.

I walked over to me and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks baby. For the roses."I said while putting the roses into a vase.

"Now take care babes. Call us when you are coming home." Mom said and I nodded.

I gave her and Dad a quick hug and then walked with Ace to his car. I sat down and grabbed Aces hand.

"Let this journey begin." I whispered. Smiling I looked at ace to see him nodding.

Ace parked at a restaurant and I smiled.

"This is really cliché Ace." I chuckled and saw him smiling.

"Now let's go before I chicken out." Ace said.

He came to my door and helped me out and held my hand. Once we got in we ordered some food and I looked at the stars.

"The stars are beautiful tonight are they Kenz?" He asked holding my hand sitting next to me. I nodded and looked at him.

"One day we are going to buy a star and name it together." He said.

I looked at him and smiled.

When we got our door we devoured it and then we got up and went outside to a garden.

"It's beautiful." He said.

"It really is." I say. He gave his hand a squeeze.

" So Kenz I need to say something before I chicken out." He says.

I look him in the eyes and smiled.

I nod and approval.

"I love you Kenz."

I looked at him and forgot about everything else.

"I fell for you the first time I saw you. I fell for you at our first sleep over. I fell for you when you whispered in my ear that night. I fell for you when you had the twins. Kenzie I'm in love with you." He says holding my hands.

"I love you too Ace."

He smiles at me.

"I fell for you the first time you whispered in my ear. I fell for you at our sleepovers. I fell for you at our day. I fell for you when I had the twins. Ace I'm in love with you." I say holding his hands.

I then look ace in the eyes and then he kisses me. It was soft but also rough. It was perfect.

"I love you." I say against his lips.

"I love you too, Kenz."

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