Chapter 10 Part 1

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I woke up Tuesday and I got in the shower. I had a bad feeling for today. I braided my hair and put on a blue sweater and some jeans. I put some boots on and got in my phone. I checked my Facebook and saw the first post from Malaki,"Can't wait to see you brother Jay."

Jay, the schools bad boy. The one who was sent to military school.

I went into my bathroom and looked at myself. I was now this popular girl, the girl who was once a nerd, with ugly clothing and all.

I grabbed my phone and ran downstairs to my car.

"Hey Kenzie!"

I flinched at the voice. Jay, my school bully, the one I'm scared of the most. I felt a hand on me and I started screaming and I fell to the ground crying.


He rushed down and I looked him in the eye and he hugged me. I looked at him confused.

"Sunshine I missed you."


He nodded.

"That's your new nickname, but where's Sunshine have you seen her, she has glasses and she wears baggy clothes."

"What are you talking about?"

"Where's Sunshine? "

"Jay what are you talking about, it's me Kenzie."

"Kenzie your hot now."

I just smiled. He helped me up then I walked to my car. I locked it and waved bye and drove off. I'm confused. Jay doesn't seem like Jay. He used to bully me, u remember numerous times I had to to go to the emergency room.

I took my time driving to school, but all I could think about was Jay calling me hot. I don't car. I have a boyfriend, who had been ignoring me for the past day. I don't care. But the thing is I do care.
I know this chapter sucks. But it's part one. So I'll try to post part two today.  I need help writing chapters though... comment suggestions. I'll pick my favorite one and make it chapter 11. Also comment if you want to be in the story, I'll add two more people😁

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