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Here is a QnA for any questions about the book-

•Why didn't they meet in highschool?

To add the the story line they never met. Kenzie never knew who Ace was but Ace knew exactly who Kenzie was, but never talked to her because of Paris

•When did they meet?

I'm going to say around August 23. I️ didn't have And exact date, but he asked her to marry him one year after they met.

•Where's Malaki?

Malaki is with Paris. They are dating again and when he graduated he went into be a police officer, so into college.

•how are Ace and Paris related?

Ace and Paris are cousins. Aces mom and Paris Dad are brother and sister. You will find out later in the sequel that Ace has a really big family.

•how many books will be in the series?

There will be definitely 2, but depending on later it could be 3

•when did you start writing this book?

I️ started writing this book about a year ago when I️ was twelve. I'm thirteen now.

•did you plan for people to like this book?

Actually no. I️ wrote this book from and idea, then in the end my idea changed a lot. But I️ did take long breaks till people started voting and the views got up, and then I️ decided to write again for the people, so thanks for that.

Anyways there's for the little QnA about the book. Keep look out for the sequel.

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