Chapter 23

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The next three days went like a blur. My mom and Dad were with my the whole time and Jays mom was with me.

Ace stayed the whole time taking shifts watching them for me.

Eden and Elena are healthY. Today I get to take them home.

Ace went to my house and got their sheets on their beds, their monitors set up, and their baby boddles and formula ready. He then got their car seats and came over here.

I put Elena in a cute pink onesie and a pink too-too skirt and a pink bow on. I put her in her Car seat and wrapped her blanket around her.

I then put Eden in a blue onesie with a football in it and put him in his car seat and wrapped his blanket around him.

I took Elena's car seat and Ace got Edens car seat. When we got to the car and the car seats were big correctly ace drove us home.

"So when we get home Kenz you can sleep, I can watch the babies you can trust me. I will make supper and get the tv in your room and we can watch a movie. I brought movies."

"Okay Ace."

Once I got home I went straight to bed. I didn't dream.

When I woke up it was six. I walked out of my room and saw the babies in their cribs sleeping and Ace cooking.

"Go get in your pjs Kenz. Then pick the movie you want to watch first."


I went to my room and put on a big T-shirt hat belonged to Ace that he gave me and some shorts.

I looked through the movies and picked The Fault In Our Stars.

When Ace came in he had some soup and gave me some tea.

"Okay let's get this sleepover on the road." He said.

"Okay." I said.



"Kenz Stop flirting with me."

He laughed and then ate my soup.

The movie was really good and when it was over one of He twins started crying.

"I'll get them." Ace said.

"No I got them. I'm their mother. But if it's both of them you can help." I smiled.

We walked into their room and surely bother of hem were crying. I got Elena and Ace got Eden.

We changed their diapers and fed them and put them to sleep.

I went to my bed and when Ace got In I snuggled on to him.

The light was off and I was about to fall asleep.

"I think Im falling in love with you Kenz." Ace whispered.

The nerd and the bad boyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz