Chapter 4

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I like Blackbear so🤷🏼‍♀️😂

Chapter 4
I walked through the green grass with my babies next to me. Tomorrow is their fourth birthday. Ace is out today getting their presents and what not.

"So what do y'all want for your birthday?" I asked them sitting in the grass.

"A puppy!" Both of them yelled.

They have been asking for a puppy for months. So. They are getting a puppy.

I walked with them to the lake and sat down.

After awhile we walked back to the house and I put the twins down for a nap.

I went and took some vitamins and sat down and made some sandwiches for lunch. Then the front door opened.

I wiped my hands and turned around and he smiled.

"Come our to the car." He said And I nodded and followed him. He opened the car door and I saw the cutest little puppy looking up at me.

 He opened the car door and I saw the cutest little puppy looking up at me

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"Meet Bailee." He said and I looked at him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and I pet the puppy.

"The twins will love her." I said and he nodded.

"Yeah. I saw her and knew she was the one. The one that was needed to be in our family. Anyways, we have to make sure she uses the restroom not in our car.we will surprise the twins tomorrow." He said and I nodded.

"I'm going to take her for a walk around the neighborhood. Plus it will be good for me to walk around. Go inside and if the twins are up make them sandwiches or get a snack." I said and he nodded.

I grabbed the leash and gave a quick kiss to Ace and got Bailee hooked up to her leash.

I walked her around for awhile and she used the restroom and I put her back in her crate with her food and water and a pee pad.

"I'll be back in a little while." I said and rolled a window down and closed the door and walked inside.

"Mommy!" The twins yelled running to me.

"Hey babies. Did you eat?" I asked and they nodded.

"We want to go to the park. Can we?" They asked and I looked at Ace and nodded.

"Come on let's go to mommy's car." Ace said picking them up and putting them in my car and I got in the passengers seat.

"I'll brb. Just a few minutes, I need to put Bailee in the backyard." He whispered in my ear and I nodded.

A few minutes later he came back and we drove to the park and Ace went and played with the twins and I went to a swing and swing slowly looking at Ace and the twins.

We will soon be bringing a baby girl into our family. She will be our new addition and complete our family.

Short chapter. I know. But five chapter left plus bonus chapters.

The next chapters will DEFINITELY be longer.

Anyways I want to dedicate this chapter to-

-Steel_Heart- my twin. My best friend. Definitely go give her books read. She has one that is about a rockstar and a actor and she has one that involves Peter Pan. Definitely go follow her and AYE. And if you read her books comment and say @-Space_Child- sent me!!! And give her love💙💙

Anyways I hope y'all have a great day and I will try to get the next chapter up before or by Monday. I know I said that last time and didn't, but I PROMISE.


Bye lovelies🐝

No new update
But soon!!

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