Chapter 28

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We got home around 9. My lipstick was all smeared on my face once I got home, I even think my mom noticed. I walked into the babies room to see them fast asleep.

"I love y'all so much. Don't forget that."
I say into their room.

I walk into my bathroom and change into some pajamas and then I get into bed. When Ace gets into bed I snuggled into him and fall fast asleep.

When I woke up the next morning I go to the babies room and feed them and change their diapers. I then walk into my bathroom and take a quick shower and then I braid my hair and put on a Crop top and some ripped jeans.

I walked to luckys kenal and give her a hug. I know we never talk about Lucky but everyday I walk lucky and we give lucky lots of love.

I get lucky's leash on and then walk her. Once I get back Ace is up making breakfast.

"Hey love." He says.

"Hey." I say.

"I'm making eggs and pancakes, how much pancakes do you want?" He asked, still sleepy.

"I want two pancakes and thank you for breakfast." I say walking over to him and giving him a quick peck in the lips.

"I love you princess, you know that?" He says giving me a kiss.

I pulled seats and said, "yes I know. I love you too, I love you so much." I say kissing him.

I then sat at the dining table and Ace places a plate of pancakes and eggs on it and then I dig in.

"Lazy day?" Ace asks.

"Yep." I say. I'm so tired, today is the day I watch movies.

I clean my plate and get the couch ready to watch some movies. Ace and I then walk into the babies room and I picked up Elena and he picked up Eden.

We then sat down in the couch next to eachother.

"This is our family." I say. He looks at me and smiles.

"Our perfect family."

After awhile and lots of movies later and feeding the twins I got up and put Elena in her bed and hen I picked up Eden out of Ace's, who was sound asleep, arm and put him in bed. I grab a blanket and go to ace and cuddle next to him and cover us with a blanket and fall asleep.

Our perfect family

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