Chapter 26

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I see the pound. I gasp and look at Ace.

"The pound?"

"I thought we should get a dog or cat together."

I smiled and then he grabbed Elena's car seat and I got Edens car seat.

We walked through the pound till we came across a border collie.

"He's perfect." I said.

We then payed for him and took him home.

"So what are we going to name him Ace?"

"I don't know. Any ideas."

"How about lucky."


We went to the pound and got him a collar and leash and some doggie bowls and a dog bed.

Once we got home we fed Elena and Eden and got Lucky to his bed and went to bed.

I woke up the next morning and Ace wasn't here.

I looked around and he was gone.

I was up almost all night, the babies woke up about three time.

Ace probably just left, I thought. I got up and went to the window and saw that his car was gone. Today my mom is coming to stay from I think a month. She thinks her and Dad are coming home soon, and I almost cried when she said that.

I told her about Ace, and her and Ace got along great. It's like they have know eachother for so long.

I walked to the babies room and Elena was crying.

"Hi baby. Did you sleep well? Mimi is coming today. I know how much you love her." I said picking Elena up. I fed her a bottle and changed her diaper. I then changed her into a onesie that said, Mimis Favorite. I then put her back in her bed and got Eden.

"Hey Eden. Mimi is coming today. I know how much you love her. We are going to have so much fun with her." I said when I picked him up. I fed him and changed his diaper. Then I put him in a onesie that said, Mimi's favorite grandson. I then put him in his bed.

I got their car seats, which were in their room, and set them up. I then got a diaper bag and got bottles and put water in them and their formula. I then grabbed diapers and put them in the bag and an extra pair of clothes.

I then grabbed Elena and her blanket and put her in her car seat and got Eden and his blanket and put him in his car seat.

I grabbed their car seats and put them in my bathroom and brushed out my hair and put it in a bun and changed into and crop top and some ripped jeans. I then applied some makeup and grabbed the car seats and went to my car.

I buckled them up and drove to the airport.

When I got there I grabbed Elena and Eden and put them in their stroller in their car seats and grabbed their diaper bag. I quickly grabbed my keys and phone and locked the car and walked in the airport.

Once I saw mom I strolled to her and gave her a hug then I saw Dad.

"Daddy!" I said and hugged him. I haven't seen him in like a year.

"So mom, are y'all moving back home?" I asked. Then she nodded and gave her a hug.

"How's my favorite granbabies?" She went over to Elena and Eden.

"Their doing great, and their eating well."

She smiled and then she took the stroller and we strolled to get their bags.

I'm glad to have my parents home.

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