Chapter 31

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One Week Later.

I was taking a shower on Monday morning. it's August 3rd, the day my babies were supposed to be born.

I got out of the shower and blowdried my hair. I then put on a Crop top and shorts. I walked into the bedroom to see Ace gone. He told me before I took a shower that he had to go somewhere urgent.

I went into the babies room to see them sleeping soundly and then I cooked some food.

It's hard not seeing lucky everyday. Me and Ace decided to give Lucky to my parents. We just didn't have time for Lucky, and my parents had all the time in the world.

Me and Ace think we may get another pet once the twins are older, and when we have time.

Today is going to be a chill day. I'm staying home with the twins and when Ace gets home we are going to watch a movie and eat popcorn.

Once Ace got home when set everything up and then I had a question.

"Ace, I have never asked this, but what were you like in school? We never talked about it and such on."

"Well, I guess I'm spilling my life story Kenz." He chuckled.

"I was a popular person, a bad boy most people said. I made ok grades, was never really into sports, and then I met you. The girl of my dreams. What were you like in school?" He said.

"I was the schools nerd. I had a rich family, I soon became popular for dating this guy till he dropped me and I became the nerd again. Then I was popular again to Jay, he made me pregnant and I moved here and I graduated early from school." I said.

"It looks like the Nerd and the Bad boy have now found each other." He said.

I smiled and then kissed him. It was soft and perfect.

I then pulled back.

"I love you Ace." I said.

"I love you too, way more than you think." He smiled.
Okay I know this is short, don't blame me, I know. I was going to make it longer but I am in secret project. And so I decided to end the book at chapter 35. Very sad I know, but right when I end it I will be posting the sequel right away👍🏻 so no worries. I don't have lots of ideas of the name of the 2nd book. So if you want your book name to become the 2nd book then comment. I will give you credit for the name.

Anyways I also decided there is going to be 3 books in this series, maybe even 4 I don't know yet.

But I have the 2nd and 3rd books plots figured out.

I just need a name for the 2nd book so please comment.

Also do you now see why the books named the way it is? Well it was supposed to be for a different reason, but the plot took a turn.

Now be sure to follow me and Vote for the book.

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