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The air thickened as the fog begun to fall over the lucid grounds which were lit up by the moonlight.

Before Jimin could even respond there was a gunshot causing both of the boys to joilt.
Suddenly all they could hear was a hoard of running footsteps comming towards them, Yoongi pulled Jimin into his arms before rushing to the corner of the room.

Yoongi tried hiding Jimin when suddenly someone barged in, expression of fear over their face as they panted.


Yoongi mumbled quietly, still in shock of what was happening around them only to feel Jimin being ripped away from his arms as the others mum lifted him into his arms roughtly. Paying little to no attention to Yoongi.

"Mum!" Jimin shouted in relief but he realised something wasn't right, he looked down at Yoongi.
Reaching his arms towards him, his mums expression was terrifying. So much so he wasn't sure he wanted to leave with her.
"Mum i want to stay with Yoongi" Jimin stuttered only to recieve no responce as his mum begun to rush towards the gate with three body guards on each side.

Yoongi ran after them as fast as he could, in his gut he felt like something wrong happened.
He seperatly reached out for Jimin but he only managed to their slip his fingertips across Jimins before he was snatched away compleatly, he watched as tears streamed down Jimin's face.

"YOONGI!" Jimin screamed with all his might as he started moving frantically only to be shoved into the car.

"JAMES GET US HOME NOW!" his mothers voice echoed in his ears as he watched Yoongi chasing after the car, he knew the history of their groups.
He just prayed that this wasnt the worst case senario.

Yoongi pushed his body as far as he could but with no use, they were already too far.


Mafia pt 2 ♤Jimin X Yoongi♧Where stories live. Discover now