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As Jimin walked through the hallways and into the room, in the distance he noticed the old weak figure laying beneath the cover.
His hair like the finest white silk as he raised his head, reaching his hand towards Jimin welcomingly with a large gentle smile as he recognised the males gentle expression.
Namjoons skin was now as pail as the sky on a cold breezy day.

No matter how many times Jimin went there, he could never get the feeling of sickness away as each time it felt like every bit of the house was slowly eroding away.

Namjoon had been suffering from countless diseases the older he got, as he became weaker and weaker.

"O...oh hello J...Jimin " Namjoon sang as he slowly pushed himself up, his grip was weak and his bones were fragile, but he still opened his arm out for Jimin who bit down on his lip as he begun walking towards Namjoon, with every step walking faster and faster untill he pushed himself forward until he fell into Namjoon's arms. Jimin allways found it hard to come back and see the person that he loved so dearly becoming so brittle.

Jimin sunk his head into Namjoon's shoulder as he smiled brightly "Im back" he mumbled recieving a smak over his head causing him to yelp as he gripped onto his head.

"Ouch what was that fo...."

"Stop acting like im dead you brat" Namjoon rolled his eyes and ruffled Jimin's soft brown hair "i see you've chainged the coulour again" Namjoon hummed before smacking Jimin over the head once again, this time with sliper.

"Awwwww what's with you all!! stop hitting my damn head" Jimin whined as he fell back onto the floor, rubbimg his head softly before looking up at Namjoon.

Namjoon smiling before he layed back onto his bed, his eyes circulating the ceiling as Jimin opened his mouth.

"Ahh you never ch-"

"He visited not that long agoe, maybe a day or two... he really did change"

Jimin stopped as he sat up, he knew who Namjoon was talking about.
Jimin felt his heart ache from left to right only to see Namjoon's smile as he pulled his covers up so that Jimin was able to sit beside him.

Jimin climbed without a second thought as he wraped his arms gently around Namjoon who rolled his eyes, he didn't like being all touchy feely at all but he wasnt sure if this was going to be their last encounter.

Namjoon was the only one who was able to stop Jimin's nightmares. But Namjoon knew he coulden't be there forever, not this time.

"This might actually be the last time" Namjoon broke the silence only to feel Jimin's body tensen.

"You say that every time.... just shut up and enjoy life for once will you"
Jimin mumbled beneath his breath only to feel a harsh squeeze on his cheek as Namjoon frowned.
"Talking like that to your elders huh?" He rolled his eyes before ruffling the youngers hair.
Somewhere inside he already knew the end was sooner than later.

Even Jimin knew that this was the only way the other would reunite with his lover, everytime Jimin came to visit Namjoon would talk about a beautifull flower that he once droped on his path, and no matter how many times he walked back to look for it, it was already gone.

And it took him 60 years to realise it.

~A/N Sorry its boring...... i ...um yeah sorry *bowls apoligeticly*

>>>future author 2019<<<
Get your ass togeather you koraboo smh

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