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"He opened his eyes!"

Jimin could hear Hoseoks voice echoing loudly as a thirm hold on his hand caused him to slowly arch his eyes open.


Jimin let out a faint gasp but only recieved a flick over the forehead from Hoseok "i knew something was off. But now im sure if it, Yoongi is gone .....Now all that's left is a heartless asshole"

Jimin Just looked up at Hoseok with a look filled with confusion  as he slowly leaned forwards to sit up, but as he did so felt a sharp pain in his stomach which caused him to yelp.

Hoseok just pushed him back down on the bed "you wanna die huuh?! Lay down and stay like that, you got shot dumbasss "
Jimin blinked before he choked on air in shock "w...when!?" He raised his voice before remembering what heppened the other day which made him bite down on the bottom of his lip.

"Hmm last week, you have been asleep scince then" Hoseok stated quietly as the door opened and footsteps echoed comming forward towards Jimin's bed.

"W...what?! I though it was only a day o...."

"Hello Jimin." Jimin herd as he glanced up trying to concentrate on Hoseok when suddenly he spotted a familiar figure making its way towards him, it was Taehyung  standing there with a buckade of flowers and a box of chocolates, Jimin's eyes widened. Wasn't Taehyung mad at him?

Jimin smiled and responded back "h..hello umm and thank you that" Jimin stumbled oversized words as Taehyung leaped forward wraping his arms around Jimin.

After a second Jimin felt his heart throb as he hugged back and smiled into Taehyung's shoulder before freezing and pushing Taehyung away feeling a sharp pain in his stomach, Jimin looked down realising his cut was bleeding once again.

"The fuck!" Hoseok shouted as he pushed past Taehyung while calling for the nearest nurse.

But by the time she got there Jimin was already half asleep into his chamber of darkness from where he came from last time but this time it was different.

As he opened his eyes he felt shock waves go through his body with every step, but these stepes wernt his steps.

Mafia pt 2 ♤Jimin X Yoongi♧Where stories live. Discover now