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The sky was gray, clogged up by all the gloom in the world as it fell over head with its dagger like tendencies.
Even the world was turning over his head, turning its back to push him towards his horrid end.

The moment Jimin steped out of the car he felt his lungs inflate as he felt a patt over his shoulder the moment his mother welcomed him home, only a weak forced smile appearing over his lips as he gently moved her hand away.


"You've grown so much, met me have a better look" she hummed as she reached forward, her hand lining against his chest as he looked away in the distance. Her touch burned into him.
"You look just like him.."

Jimins face turned into stone as he gently moved his mothers hand off.

Ever since Jimin's father died his mother worked hard to make the two as similar as possible, she wanted him to be a mirror image of his father.

Jimin tried ignoring her words as he rubbed the back of his neck "um...so how is grandpa Nam doing?" He asked tiresomly as he pulled out his bags from his car.

"Well he is getting worse and worse with everyday passing" from a distance spoke up a overly familiar voice. Jimin tilted his head as he saw Hoseok from the distance, holding his motorcykle helmet with one hand.
He was a member of the local troublesome gang, and yet he and Jimin have had been friends for years.
But once Jimin left for school they had little to no contact, even more so because he tried to keep away from home as much as he could.

Jimin bowled and greeted Hoseok only to be greeted by a smack over the back of his head for being so formal towards him, right before throwing his helmet at Jimin which caused him to stumble back as he caught it just in time"

"Lets go, he's waiting for you afterall"

Jimin noded as he climbed onto the back of the motorbike, wraping his arms hesitantly around Hoseoks chest before feeling as the other sliped his hands down while tightening them "it you don't want to fall hold on tight" Hoseok scoffed before he started the motorbike before staring it, he could feel how Jimins body pressed against him from fear as he sped through the roads.

It didnt take long till the motorbike stopped just in time for Jimin to see the familiar cherry trees which were covered in small skribbles all over, a smile radieted his lips as he slipped off of the seat.
Giving Hoseok a small thank you before walked along the long brittle path. Feelings the small pebbles ruttle beneath his feet as his eyes marbled over the sky.

Everything reminded him of the old days.

And yet so much of them were missing, Jimin took off the shoes as he stepped into the building only to notice how the rooms were all unusually empty, and yet he didn't pay much attention to it and he started walking towards Namjoon's room.

"Im home"

Mafia pt 2 ♤Jimin X Yoongi♧Where stories live. Discover now